General Remove headlights

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General Remove headlights

Dec 3, 2003
The land that time forgot
The Younger Mrs S.'s Rasputin (1.2) seems to have previously suffered a minor front end knock. I noticed that the offside headlamp doesn't fit straight in the aperture made by the wing/bumper/bonnet edges and my OCD Ahhhh Ahhhh decided I need to straighten it.

It turns out that both headlamps "lost" a couple of the plastic tabs that hold them in place. Whoever "fixed" it just glued all the tabs back on with epoxy glue which I didn't notice when I bought the beast :( but while I was poking at it to see what kind of bodgery had been inflicted on it, the nearside tabs came off, so the headlamp is a bit loose/only held on with one bolt/tab.

Anyways, I have some of those replacement tabs from eBay that screw on in place of the originals, so I'm hopeful I can sort it out.

But.. how do you remove the headlamp? The two tabs that fell off don't pose any difficulty.. :D but I can't see the third/final tab or bolt that is holding he light on. It's under the headlight (can't be immediately seen with the bonnet open). Is it a tab in a slot or a bolt through a hole... and is it bumper off job or is it tucked away inside the bowels of the engine room/behind the radiator etc.?

Ralf S.
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Bumper off job is not that daunting actually but I suggest that you view a few vids on YouTube to see how hard you actually have to pull on each side to release the tabs under the headlights!
Paul m.
Bumper off job is not that daunting actually but I suggest that you view a few vids on YouTube to see how hard you actually have to pull on each side to release the tabs under the headlights!
Paul m.

You don’t have to pull hard. You put a screwdriver between the two and it will pop off. Yank too hard and you will break the tabs on the bracket in the wing or destroy the bumper.
You don’t have to pull hard. You put a screwdriver between the two and it will pop off. Yank too hard and you will break the tabs on the bracket in the wing or destroy the bumper.

Agree stick your head underneath an tease the clips apart, the wing bolt can cause issue if rusted, I suggest stainless screws for the wing guards and grease all bolts on replacing.
The bumper looks like it played some part in the nadgery .. it's touching the bonnet on the nearside but has a slightly bigger shut line on the offside, so I was already going to remove it.

The offside wing is marginally a different shade of white and doesn't look 100% straight vs the lower part of the door, so I suspect that corner was an exciting place to be once.. :D

Anyhow, if Bodgit and Runne body repairs Ltd has been tinkering down there, I'm sure the bumper bolts will have been freed up. I'm just dreading finding it's held on with cable ties or something... :D

Ralf S.