Remapping/Tuning Yorkshire

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Remapping/Tuning Yorkshire

I wouldn't say that... He's that good he can't predict power before and after WITHOUT a rolling road. Genius.

most good tuners wont predict though at least not in writing:confused:

I did think it strange that not long ago his guide had to be removed as it said to join live wires in a car with sticky tape, then he is suddenly offering all kinds of services that normally take many years to master

I've heard a lot of good things about West Yorkshire tuning recently.
As part of a large car community in west/north Yorkshire, I know a few people that have been here and had great results.

Worth a look
I will be going there when I gets some moneys.

Given you are both on the forum you are promoting on here
wouldn't it be easier to ask him yourself? :chin:
My friends over at WYC. Not on this forum.
Got really confused reading your replies but figured it out now :p
Didn't realise it was same person. Oh well.

You guys recommend remapping there?
I dont know what you guys are moaning about
He says that is remap are fully customised by reading the car ecu! But he doesnt know what power the car has before or after and just takes a guess...sounds very legit and value for money! NOT! :p