Rebooting system - Blue and Me - '97 Bravo

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Rebooting system - Blue and Me - '97 Bravo


New member
Jun 29, 2009
I had a problem where nothing i listened to in media player was displaying on the dashboard screen, i could not access the menus in blue and me via the steering wheel and it was not displaying track info etc...

turns out its a known issue in puntos + bravos .. may be the blue and me entire range - dunno

anyways as i was having my climate control fixed, i got them to look at it and the guy knew instantly what it was and how to fix it .. needed to reboot the system

I asked im to show me how to reboot it in case it happens again but said he couldnt as needed to be hooked up inside.

So i am wondering is there a way to reboot it myself, ie through files on a usb stick or by a secret keypress combination or taking the battery off?
would taking the battery off cause other issues??

thanks for your responses

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Just come back from dealer after having to have my meda player rebooted for the 2nd time in 6 weeks.

I spoke to the guy that did it to ask if i can do it myself = Yes, undo BOTH battery leads, leave off for 15-20 seconds then replace.
This is what they have been advised to do.

The only problem is that if like me youre keeping tabs on fuel used & use trip A to make the calculation , it resets trip back to zero :eek: so that then blows away you calculation for that tank of fuel.

If it happens again I will reset myself rather than trudge 18 miles each way for them to do it ( save fuel )