Technical Rear Mudflap fitting mk2b

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Technical Rear Mudflap fitting mk2b

Apr 8, 2008
Well i ordered some fiat mud flaps for my mk2b

In packet.jpg

I've only just got round to fitting them due to time and other things(snow), however.... i have just put 1 side on to find according to the instructions that i should have a ""lug"" to attach over
But i dont.....

No attachment A.jpgNo Attachment B.jpg

But i do think they look good - just need fitting tighter and closer

Rear View A.jpgRear view B.jpg

I will try and find the instructions and scan them in for you to see what i mean

Been there - the only lug was me for buying the stuff in the first place , mud flaps or whatever. One little suggestion if I may. Put a few big people in the back and have a close look at the clearance to the tyre and the ground and then factor in a speed bump. I had one that pulled loose just a bit and the metal insert shaved half the tyre in short order.
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On my Mk2, I just attached it horizontally to the bumper, as per the diagram (but with a clamp, not the enclosed clips... -- which only seemed to 'work' on the front mudflaps...). This leaves the flaps (IYSWIM) slightly at a jaunty angle: but I find that's quite good for chucking the road muck out... -- although I did find a big wodge of icy cr*p stuck in there, when it was snowing.... :eek:

Hope this helps.... (y)
Your mud flaps look identical to what we've got on the hgt and in the picture it looks to me as if the folder portion should meet the bumper edge in the same way so it should all fit

Here is another pic of the inside of the bumper


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