Technical rear calipers thread broken

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Technical rear calipers thread broken

Aug 4, 2010
ok so going to do brakes the other day and the threads on bleed nipple are knackered and also checked again and the thread is almost non-existent inside the hole in the caliper

but my question is
the bleed nipple from what im told is m10x1, does anybody know what size thread bleed nipple thats bigger to re-thread the hole? also a size of a thread tool i could use to do it? or links to what i could buy would be handy,

p.s. i think these are alfa calipers! cheers
Forget doing it yourself.

The seal is on the seat of the convex (concave?) portion of the caliper and bleed nipple. So, in theory, a thread insert would work fine.

In practice, there's a lot of stripping to do, and even then, putting an insert into what is effectively a blind hole is a challenge.

I have a pair of rear calipers of a 155 you can have for a tenner plus postage.

I won't be using them because I know that fitting rear disks is at best a complete waste of time and at worse makes the brakes worse.

PM me if interested.