Quick-section links

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Quick-section links

Nov 5, 2004
Thats need to know that is.
Would it possible to add a feature to the user control panel so you could add a certain numer of your own links to your most used sections of the site.

When i come on FiatForum i tend to head straight for UC to check subscribed threads. Then after that i only really tend to go to a few sections; i check the cinq/sei section, then the classifieds and maybe members motors. Its only every few weeks i'll venture further out to see what goes on.

So was thinking perhaps a small bar above subscribed threads with say 5 or buttons which the user can select sections to link to thus less scrolling around, especially if your usual section is right down the bottom.

Obviously i'm just being lazy but just thought could be a nice little touch, not seen it on any forums before though so not sure if its possible.
Can't you just favourite a few sections or save a session in your browser with them in? :D

In the UserCP under options, scroll to the very bottom.

Seperate each link with a new line. If you want to give it a title, then write the title first, then put a pipe (|) symbol, then the url.

FF pages don't need the https://www.fiatforum.com bit at the beginning, but do require the first forward slash.

For example:

Leisure Lounge|/leisure-lounge
My other site|http://www.mysite.com