General purple haze

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General purple haze

thanks for the reply.
i notice you have a gallery. i'm a bit of a collecter myself. (more art than walls!!) just sold a banksy hence might get another panda with part of the profit:D
Cheers, purple haze (kevin)
Kevin ... you don't really NEED two Pandas :)
Invest all your love in the one you have :)
..and the money in adding to your art collection :devil:
Ha i said the other one is for the other half...the one i have does not need to much to make it even better than it is (new arial, sun roofs etc) on the plus side bits are so cheap!!! Thanks to all for pointing me in the right direction for suppliers. As for art.......i have 2 commissions on the go (one with aiko and one with miss bugs both alot more than the cost of a panda!!) As i said not enough walls, but a bloody big car park!!!:D(y)
Ha i said the other one is for the other half...the one i have does not need to much to make it even better than it is (new arial, sun roofs etc) on the plus side bits are so cheap!!! Thanks to all for pointing me in the right direction for suppliers. As for art.......i have 2 commissions on the go (one with aiko and one with miss bugs both alot more than the cost of a panda!!) As i said not enough walls, but a bloody big car park!!!:D(y)



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Wow ... now that's shiny !:cool:

I wonder what Freak would lokk like all shiny :chin:
Thats before the 3 days of t-cut and polish!!!!!!
She glitters now...almost like a metalflake.
I will post new piccs soon (if it stops bloody raining!!)
P.S Did you see that i got the red panda on ebay????
Super Rosso has joined Purple must be LOVE:hug:
Hi Purple Haze,

Sweet, another Parade owner. Think I'm the only one in Panda section at the moment..

Mines the turquoise coloured one though, rather than the purple. But they're both proper garish 90's colours (y)

Enjoy FF.. & try and get along to a meet sometime. Great fun!


Cheers plug (y)
Oh yes a meet up would be good. I spotted yours was diff. Purple/sort of metalflake is a bit.....well.....Errrrr....lets just say it takes some getting used to!!!
Iv been posting all over the place and everyone has been great :)
