Technical Punto MK2b 1.4 16v Sporting Exhaust recommendation?

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Technical Punto MK2b 1.4 16v Sporting Exhaust recommendation?


Dec 1, 2019
Hi all,

My 2005 Fiat Punto MK2b 1.4 16V Sporting exhaust system is currently letting the side down. As it's blowing from the flexi pipe and back box.

Have been pricing up the exhaust and the price's are rather eye watering!

So far I've been quoted around £180-£200 just for the exhaust or £350 supplied and fitted.

So if anyone could recommend a more cheaper alternative etc that would be appreciated. Cheers.
I would imagine parts are getting more difficult to obtain due to the Fiats ten year rule.
eBay is your friend with situations like this and a complete exhaust isn't a difficult DIY job. If you want something more specialised then expect to pay labor as well.

Where in the UK are you? I'm based in north west Norfolk if you need any help.
Hi thank's for the quick reply back.

I have been looking online and ebay for the past few week's, but I'm still struggling to find the correct back box for less than £100 at present which seem's a little steep to me.

I'll definitely be looking into trying to fit one myself. As could do with keeping the exhaust cost's low as possible. As unfortunately the Punto already had some expensive repair's recently, which has skint me out.

I'm located over in the West Midland's. Appreciate the offer on the help although I'm a fair distance away, but will keep it in mind too. Cheers.

If anybody know's of one breaking, I'd even consider a used exhaust if it's in good condition.
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Thank's jason6168 for the link and the suggestion about the flexi repair.

That back box look's ideal on my limited budget. As I've have been trying again locally since my last reply, but nobody had a back box available.

But I have found a exhaust company that can sell me the Flexi with mid section for £60 all in. So might consider getting that and the back box in the link you sent me.

Especially as I now need to buy a new gearbox mount for the Punto too!

I'll post an update with how I get on with the exhaust, as I can't afford to get all the parts till the end of the month now.

Although I might need some advice on changing the gearbox mount. As I'm not sure if it's a DIY job I'm comfortable tackling. Will try and get under the car myself for a look over the weekend.
Glad to be of help.
On a similar note, I think I'm also in need of a new gearbox mount (the dogbone one).
Are you suffering the same juddering on pick up in first gear? I've been babying the clutch in first ever since I bought the car- maybe its time to finally fix the annoying judder...
Sorry for the late reply.

Yes I've been experiencing the same fault as you describe when pulling away in first gear too!

I had someone press the accelerator pedal while I looked underneath to see what was happening. As they did so you could see the excess movement from the gearbox side of the car. Which is also causing the exhaust to flex, so has likely caused the exhaust flexi to fail annoyingly.

I've also noticed that the pipe off the airbox that bolt's to the slam panel has broken from it's mounting. Which I think is also caused by the excessive movement when pulling away?

I've have managed to buy a new aftermarket dogleg mount for just under £25 locally. Hopefully I can get this fitted asap along with the exhaust as the Punto currently drinking Petrol like a Ferrari.:(
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New gearbox mount has fixed the juddering! Annoyingly though the exhaust is still blowing, but I'm suspecting it's coming from the manifold.:(

So either a gasket or a manifold replacement I reckon.

An as I've yet to add a picture of said Punto. Here a recent photo. :)


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