Technical Punto HGT mk2b Lambda Sensor Identification Guide

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Technical Punto HGT mk2b Lambda Sensor Identification Guide

Aug 13, 2006
After an evening with MultiECUScan and pulling some wires, I have a definitive answer as to which sensor is which:

Bank 1 Sensor 1 is the pre-cat sensor attached to cylinders 1 & 2 (No. 15 on diagram)
Bank 2 Sensor 1 is the pre-cat sensor attached to cylinders 3 & 4 (No. 13 on the diagram)
Bank 1 Sensor 2 is the post-cat sensor (No. 14 on the diagram)

At the time of writing, the part numbers are:

Bank 1 Sensor 1: 46807454
Bank 2 Sensor 1: 46760867
Bank 1 Sensor 2: 46811313

But do double-check on ePER before ordering.

Hope this proves useful to someone (y)


Saludos desde España.
He tenido un problema con un dtc, P0170 Fuel Trim ( BANK 1 ) y buscando informacion he llegado a este post.
Seguramente tenga que cambiar las sondas pre- catalizador , el fallo es intermitente.

Gracias por el esquema , pero existe un error, el BANK 1 sensor 1 corresponde a los cilindros 1 y 4. y el BANK 2 sensor 1 corresponde a los cilindros 2 y 3.

Greetings from Spain.
I had a problem with DTC P0170 Fuel Trim (BANK 1) and seeking information I have come to this post.
Probably have to change the pre-catalyst probes, the failure is intermittent.

Thanks for the scheme, but there is an error, the BANK 1 sensor 1 corresponds to the cylinders 1 and 4 and BANK 2 sensor 1 corresponds to the cylinders 2 and 3.


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