General Punto Evo 1.4 dynamic

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General Punto Evo 1.4 dynamic

Paddy Gentle

New member
May 29, 2013
Well hello all,
I've been a member here on another account for a while now and never really got round to posting much.

Bought my Evo in September last year at a fantastic price. Having only been used as a demonstrator I couldn't say no. After previously owning a MK2 and driving my dads punto I had to go one better than him.

I have to say its been the best buy I have made for a long time despite the issues I have had.

Fortunately all the work has been done under warranty. I have had the hill breaking lock twice and the master cylinder and brake servo replaced twice due to this, the clutch had to be replaced due to this too.

2 windscreens and a new wheel later my car now drives like a dream. Hit 10,000 miles last week.

My stickers came yesterday and I have used the first one, tried to encourage my parents to have one each too. My dad has a punto and my mum had a 500.

No mods yet but looking to do a few small bits. Open to suggestions.

More pics to follow

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Here's a couple of other pics.

After a good clean
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And here's it getting towed after it broke down the first time. 400 miles down and it packed up on me :(

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Get them at

Well worth the £2.80 I payed for 3 if them. Tried to encourage the parents to use them as I said.

There are a choice of colours you can match to you car too.
Typical, another little issue with the car. Just come onto break and have gone out to my car. Found some idiot has reversed or swung in and hit my drivers side at the rear. ImageUploadedByFIAT Forum1371222065.411828.jpg

Not the biggest problem ever just very annoying that they didn't have the balls to come in and let someone know. Irritates me as if I did this I would at least leave a contact number.
Had a late start at work today so been out in the driveway giving her the once over and a good old wash wax and polish.

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During washing

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During T-cutting

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After T-cutting

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Passenger side

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Driver side

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Doesn't she look beautiful :)

Now I'm off to get myself a new front number plate and see what else I can find while I'm out ;)

Well the new number plate is on and while checking over the car found a headlight out so that's now changed too.
I love my car. Sorry that its blurry but it's hard to take pictures when your driving. 11,111 miles :)

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So being the tight bastard I am I have decided to start some cheaper mods.

Just bought myself so team Heko wind deflectors which should be with me this week :)

Any one got some suggestions?
Was thinking about an induction kit but which one I have no idea

Cheeky little shot of her at work today. Have her a good old clean yesterday. Inside and out.

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Nice and shiny.

One place I can't seem to get clear bis down the side of the front seats. Anyone got any ideas? I don't really want to have to take the seats out but it could do with a good Hoover down the side. Will post a pic ASAP

This is the bit I mean. It's just to big to get the Hoover wand into :/

Any suggestions welcome

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Drivers side

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Passenger side
