Punto 55 Gear sticking problems

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Punto 55 Gear sticking problems


New member
Nov 19, 2013
Help me out please someone!!! bought via private sale N reg Fiat Punto 55 - had been fine all week until Saturday when couldn't get it into gear for love nor money without bare noise and embarrasment, several incidents of emergency lights later, got car home. Have topped up with gear oil - able to change gear without engine on or pushing down clutch however as soon as engine on gears are making bare noise again and car not going anywhere, now before I scrap it completely - is there anything I can do other than new gearbox or reconditioned gearbox - if anyone can help I really love the car and don't really want to let it go but if it costs more to repair than cost me then will have to let it go :( thanks everyone :mad:
Hi, and welcome,

if it changes o.k. without the engine running, then it's CLUTCH related,

1stly bleed the Hydraulic cylinder on top of the gearbox,

then let us know what you find..,
had it been parked-up for a while..??,
Hi there, tried the car last night pumped the clutch a few times and it was a lot looser than previously - got into gear and turned engine on and then took it round the block, still slightly stiff but managed ok - very wary of it obviously - a friend has advised to spray some grease on gear linkage under the car, apparently this sorted it for him - i think it had been sat for a while outside his house before I purchased it. thanks will try the bleed as well and let you know Charlie :)