Technical punto 2003 mk2 won't start!!!

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Technical punto 2003 mk2 won't start!!!


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Oct 14, 2013
my 2003 punto won't start and we're not entirely sure of the problem. i drove it to doncaster and back which is around 50 miles one way and the next day i tried to start the car and it sounded as if the battery had gone flat as the engine just coughed a bit. all the lights and the stereo work inside the car so surely it can't be the battery:confused: tried to jump start it and it still wouldn't start so now thinking a loose fuse or something.... also read online that you can 'unstick' the starter motor and that should get it going... still didn't work. anyone have any ideas whats happened? :bang:

p.s. be as patronising as you like, i know nothing about cars!!
Does the car turn over or not?

Did it turn over quicker on the jump leads or not?

Were the jump leads applied correctly? (That is, battery positive on dead car to battery positive on good car, battery negative on good car to chassis of dead car.)

But, it's not uncommon for batteries to die as soon as the weather starts to get cold. Many factors will "drop test" a battery for nothing. That would be my first step.
it does not turn over at all.
and jump leads were connected properly, still doesn't turn over at all!
surely this can't mean the battery is dead?:(
Hi there,

When you turn the key to start from MAR... do you hear any clicks? do the lights dim at all?

If you were jump starting it correctly from another vehicle (or was it from a jump pack?), even if your battery was flat it should still turn over.

In your first post you say it coughed a bit but didnt start, in the second you say it doesn't turn over... So just to clarify, the starter motor was turning slowly the first time? but now doesnt turn at all?

Turning over the engine via the starter motor requires a lot more current than the lights/ radio etc, therefore a weak battery may well be up to the job of powering the radio and lights, but not have the ommph to actually kick over the engine.

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it does not turn over at all.
and jump leads were connected properly, still doesn't turn over at all!
surely this can't mean the battery is dead?:(

Sounds likely. But, hey, this is (apart from a blown fuse) a good result. First step, fit a known good battery as a substitute for yours. If it then starts, get the old battery tested.