punto 1.2 active

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punto 1.2 active


New member
Jun 20, 2009
hi newbie ere:eek:-
i have a problem with my punto- lately when driving my revs go higher when changing gear- its as if i'm putting more pressure on the accelerator pedal when i'm not. it doesnt happen all the time either, just now and again.. its been in the garage but they said that there was a build up of carbon which was cleaned, it seemed ok for a day or two but can notice the problem coming back- any ideas plz- thanks sue
ok thanks- sorry if i sound really dumb here but i am a woman lol- whats that?
also what is the cost around? thankyou
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oh sorry I see what you mean, throttle position sensor is on he throttle body that sends signal to the ECU (brain) how far the throttle is open. (check throttle cable is free aswell)

I take it the cars ok when accelerating and only does it when changing gear?
erm... no not really sometimes when just driving at a steady speed it happens, so i feel the need to remove my foot completely- its as if it has a mind of its own.. its really annoying. only had the car 12 months.
your first post said while changing gear now its also when going at steady speed......right when doing a steady speed does it do it by itself or when coming to a slight incline or accelerating slightly?
i cant really pinpoint it- as when it happens i always panic a bit & just release the pedal- but i would say by its-self, when i explained it to the garage they just look at me like i have two heads lol
lol dont be sorry, just need the facts to help you better;)

Right its cable operated from pedal to throttle body so can be that so I reckon its a throttle body fault however in cases like this its probably best to take to Fiat dealer as could (and I did say 'could') be expensive.

What year is the car?
no not at all, if its a TPS they are £12, 2002-2004 was the main period on mk2's for TPS failure however its more common for them to rev up at junctions or even cut out.

There is another thing you can check (free) is that the throttle body opening is clean (the bit the air filter housing sits on) and also worth while disconnecting battery for 30mins to reset the ECU.
ok just 1 last question 4 u! lol- are the tps easy to replace or is that 1 for the garage?
& as for checking the opening is clean
i think thats what the mechanic cleaned last week for me- i will try disconecting the battery though tomorra- thanks v-much for the help & advice ;-)
no- no engine light- couldnt tell you bout the hoses, i presume they are.. but dunno
Sue, i had this same problem when i bought mine, although mine would do it sometimes randomly

and others it wud jus cut the engine off, nt handy tryn 2 go thru roundabouts lol

I think scumbag Arnies ****e mechanics sed it was engine intake so tel ur mechanice to check tht out

It took arnies 3times to sort it (under warranty), id only had it 1day :bang:
SO ****n annoyn