Hi guys
Have been reading the forums on this site for ages but was hoping that you would be able to give me some specific help.
I have had my car for about 10 months now it is an 04 plate 1.2 8v punto active sport.
However about 3 weeks ago i was pulling into the supermarket carpark and i went to put the car into first and i felt a snap and the gear lever went very "floppy" (for want of a better word). i managed to get it into second, but it then would not move into or out of gear despite moving the gear lever. Got it to my Uncle, and he and my boyfriend then diagnosed a snapped gear cable. they went and purchased a new one and all was well, drove it home and back (about 40 miles). The next day i was driving the car and went to put it into 4th and the gears started grinding, (almost like i had not put the clutch down), put the clutch back down and put it into 4th. The next time this happened the car would not go into 4th at all, just kept grinding so i put it into 5th and carried on. The car will not now go into 4th gear, i drove it like this for arroud 100 miles down to my sisters (going on holiday, typical that the car buggers up the day before we go!!!).
my brother in law and boyfriend then had a look at it and found the it was going into 4th but jumping out when the clutch was lifted, they assumed that is was an adjustment to the gear cable that we had just changed, so they disconnected the cable, manually put it into 4th and lifted the clutch, sam thing happened!!
they both now tell me that it needs a new gearbox and probably clutch, can anyone advise any other ideas, can the box be fixed? if i do need a new box;
1. what other models are compatable, i read on here that a mk1 is compatable but how about just a punto as aposed a punto active.
2. what is a reasonable price for a cheap box
3. Where is the best place to find one.
Thanks in advance and sorry for the lengthy post!!
Have been reading the forums on this site for ages but was hoping that you would be able to give me some specific help.
I have had my car for about 10 months now it is an 04 plate 1.2 8v punto active sport.
However about 3 weeks ago i was pulling into the supermarket carpark and i went to put the car into first and i felt a snap and the gear lever went very "floppy" (for want of a better word). i managed to get it into second, but it then would not move into or out of gear despite moving the gear lever. Got it to my Uncle, and he and my boyfriend then diagnosed a snapped gear cable. they went and purchased a new one and all was well, drove it home and back (about 40 miles). The next day i was driving the car and went to put it into 4th and the gears started grinding, (almost like i had not put the clutch down), put the clutch back down and put it into 4th. The next time this happened the car would not go into 4th at all, just kept grinding so i put it into 5th and carried on. The car will not now go into 4th gear, i drove it like this for arroud 100 miles down to my sisters (going on holiday, typical that the car buggers up the day before we go!!!).
my brother in law and boyfriend then had a look at it and found the it was going into 4th but jumping out when the clutch was lifted, they assumed that is was an adjustment to the gear cable that we had just changed, so they disconnected the cable, manually put it into 4th and lifted the clutch, sam thing happened!!
they both now tell me that it needs a new gearbox and probably clutch, can anyone advise any other ideas, can the box be fixed? if i do need a new box;
1. what other models are compatable, i read on here that a mk1 is compatable but how about just a punto as aposed a punto active.
2. what is a reasonable price for a cheap box
3. Where is the best place to find one.
Thanks in advance and sorry for the lengthy post!!