*Please help save Milton Keynes grid roads*

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*Please help save Milton Keynes grid roads*


Read the Government's response -

The Government's planning policy statements set out the standards that Local Planning Authorities should follow for new developments, including the supporting highway infrastructure and green space.
Planning Policy Statement (PPS) 3 encourages well-integrated development with a high quality public realm and streets that are pedestrian, cycle and vehicle friendly. Both PPS3 'Housing' and PPS 13 'Transport' promote accessibility to development so that there is a realistic choice of access by non-car modes. The precise layout of new highway infrastructure will be predicated in part by the density of housing within the area and the location of green and open space, as well as the accessibility requirements for residents and the public. This may preclude the use of the grid road system currently in use in Central Milton Keynes in favour of a more appropriate layout.
Milton Keynes Council is able to fund maintenance of its Redways from its Local Transport Plan funding allocation provided by the Government.
We understand that a consultation on access to the proposed development area has taken place and that some further study work is likely to be undertaken on aspects of this.
Decisions on the layout of and access to the Western Expansion Area are ones for Milton Keynes Council as the local planning authority to take, having regard to PPS 3 and PPS 13 as well as to the results of the consultation exercise.
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