Planning a road trip?

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Planning a road trip?


Jan 28, 2011
Well I have decided in Feb I am getting in the alfa and going for a 4-5 day road trip (dunno where yet). I was speaking to a few friends and they seem interested in coming, so now we are discussing driving to Paris and then onto Amsterdam.

What I would like to know is, has anyone on here done anything like it before?
And what should I be considering price wise?
So far I have Fuel, Accommodation, Food, Insurance, and things like beam benders and hi-viz jackets! Have I missed anything?

I would get them put on my insurance to share the driving so stops will only be for nights to get a drink and have a proper kip

Any input is much appreciated :D
France is the pain in the arse. If your legal in France your legal anywhere in Europe.
Hi-Viz, beam benders, fire extinguisher are all legal requirments for driving in France.

Green card for your insurance and breakdown recovery are wise ideas aswell. getting a tow back from Amsterdam won't be cheap.

Western Europe is easy enough to travel through the further east you go the more complictaed it becomes with tolls and taxes.

Did you know this june at the SPA F1 circuit the are having an italian car show with track time, where they are celebrating the centerary of Alfa Romeo?
The plabn being to have more Alfas displayed in one place than anywhere else on earth. ;)
Yeah read about that on Alfa Owner, dunno if I will bother going to it though, depends if my 2 weeks off in June line up with it :D

The guy I bought the car from was planing on taking it to Turky before he sold it to me so there is the fire extinguisher, warning triangle and a spare set of bulbs in the car already :D
iv went on a 2 week road trip bmx around europe/england...always take double the money u think u need 2 have a 2nd plan incase summit happens...wasnt the first time i was ment to be staying in a hotel/bb but due to circumstances was sleeping in a youth hostel...and if u ever fancy going to germany u need to have id with u 24/7...u can be arrested for having no id and not having the currect amount of money for a ride home...i shis u trying to think of all the bad **** that happed to me..well my mates.....ooh and porn across there is eh well in ur face so imagin my delight being 16 and having boobs shoved in my face
Venters said:
France is the pain in the arse. If your legal in France your legal anywhere in Europe.
Hi-Viz, beam benders, fire extinguisher are all legal requirments for driving in France.

Green card for your insurance and breakdown recovery are wise ideas aswell. getting a tow back from Amsterdam won't be cheap.

Western Europe is easy enough to travel through the further east you go the more complictaed it becomes with tolls and taxes.

Did you know this june at the SPA F1 circuit the are having an italian car show with track time, where they are celebrating the centerary of Alfa Romeo?
The plabn being to have more Alfas displayed in one place than anywhere else on earth. ;)

Yep the spare bulbs kit etc can be a pain and the beam correctors make sense. A GB sticker or numberplate is needed too (and not just an SCO or Ecosse thing) as if the French are having a slow day sitting on the A16 checking isn't uncommon getting some cash.

Hi-Viz is O.K because I carry one anyway as I can use it at work but you need one for each passenger. Don't forget to the day and get ripped in Dover. I was early for our ferry but couldn't get squeezed on the early one so started putting on the deflectors and you could see other people going WTF and running to the shop! Think somewhere (Spain?) mandates a spare pair of specs/contacts if you wear 'em.

The advice about breakdown cover is top notch. Don't forget to cancel it afterwards at renewal. My Dad forgot and got stuck for 11 months eurowide cover he didn't use!

Paris and Amsterdam are PITA to drive and park in. French cities can be fun- I did Metz in rush hour, but Paris is poor as it goes even the rest of France knows it. A tip for parking in Central Paris- no handbrake or leaving it in gear, they use your car to get in and it allows them to shunt you a bit- and no I am not kidding- See here!

I'd say head down towards the Alps for scenery and fun- where I like to go however 4-5 days is not really enough for that, it's 2 days there and back to Calais !
WTF? :| that shunting thing, if I seen someone do that to my alfa I would end up all over the news for killing someone in their own country :(

Cheers guys :D if anyone can think of anything else, keep it coming.