Technical petrol gauge

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Technical petrol gauge

Jan 4, 2008
my petrol gauge has started jumping all over the place, mainly to empty which is a pain as i dont know how much fuel i've got in, has anyone had this problem and knows what is doing it? im guessing that it will be a loose connection but were?
just noticed thread search on right hand side of tipo page and found some old threads with same problem so i've had a look and got some idea's of what it is so hopfully i've got my answer, wasn't the simply answer i wanted, i was hoping just to clean a plug up somewhere but looks like its a case of getting into petrol tank and replacing some bits:(
the sender can unscreww from the top of the fuel pump housing - its not the big round thing but rather a part of it. Its about a 1/4 turn to get it out. I replaced mine last year, as there's a small circuit board type part inside to vary resistance, mine had snapped. The replacement from fiat was around 30GBP, and easy to re-assemble but you must put some light oil on the rubber seal otherwise its impossible to turn.

(y) sound, is it a main dealer part only? someone said in one of the other threads i read that there is 2 different types, so i will have to take it out and check which one i have got as he said if it was the wrong one you get it wont fit.
Had the same problem during the summer. Local car electrician wanted to replace sender unit. I removed sender unit and discovered it needed reassembling. problem sorted!(y)