General Part# bolt for hood

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General Part# bolt for hood


Established member
Mar 3, 2007
Could anybody verify that this looks like part#13826024 in ePer? (Sorry for the bad photo.) F*****g bolt broke right off :bang:


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I'd ask the local Fiat dealer to confirm, or at least offer a refusal or refund if they had said it was the right part.

IMHO it looks right.

Saying that, I'm not sure about the details - it could be 13301211 from the second picture?


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Thanks :) I phoned the local Fiat dealer - but not surprisingly they didn't have a clue :) I ended up ordering #23 on Zem's right hand side pic; should cost about £1 (y)

Anybody have any suggestion on how to extract the broken part? If I'm lucky I can reach it with a set of pliers (judging by the pic there's a small bit sticking out) - but if that doesn't work... drill and something?
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I had this issue couple years back, I had to drill old bolt off and make new screw thread(?) for it..

I didn't find orginal part anywhere (fiat dealer.. (n)) so I used standart bolt with DIY spacer and it has worked ok..
I would try a stud extractor first... carefully grind off the surface and make sure you centre punch the centre point before drilling a pilot hole. Use a new/ sharpened drill and take your time as, if you cant extract the damaged part, the threads will be intact. A stude extractor is a simple left hand threaded tap with a coarse thread and the theory is this will jam in the pilot hole and wind the damaged part out... in practice, they dont always work. As the threaded part appears to go all the way through, it may be possible to 'screw the damaged part all the way through t the other side... you could drill a pilot hole and use a self tapper to do this. I would soak the threads with duck oil first and even use a tiny cold chisel or punch to drive to turn the part.... it can be done but needs time and care... hope this helps.

Yup! I'd go with the stud exractor (easy-out) they work really well but you have to be carefull with them....

As bumble said soak it in penetrating oil first. Make sure the drill hole is in the middle of the bolt. Try to drill it as parallel to the centreline of the bolt as possible...

If it you've not used them before... Buy a set and use the recomended size for the bolt. Too Large and you will just expand the bolt threads, too small and it may snap... they are very brittle... If the bolt is really seized and feels too tight to undo then soak it with more oil.

If these things break off in the hole they are a complete pig to remove. the only way then is to use a carbide or dimond high speed grinding tip to grind through them.

Good luck...
Thanks for the tips (y) I haven't had the chance to try removing it yet as the weather's been crap the last days, plus I haven't recieved the replacement bolt yet.