Technical Panda central locking stopped working?

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Technical Panda central locking stopped working?


New member
Feb 10, 2013
Hi its a 1.1 active eco, the central locking was playing up recently and now has totally stopped working. Any ideas on whats wrong?
Hi, is this central locking or remote central locking, if remote try changing the batteries first.
U have to lock each door indivualy now. the central locking has stopped working, even when pushing the "pin" down in the door top, that just locks that indivudial door.
Sorry thats what i mean lol. its my grandfathers panda, could there be a central locking relay or fuse?
Sorry thats what i mean lol. its my grandfathers panda, could there be a central locking relay or fuse?

There should be, but not sure which one it is off the top of my head, and iff it was intermittant to start with I doubt it'll be that, although not impossible.

Does the interior light come on with each door opened individually?