Technical Panda 1000 spluttering on acceleration? :(

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Technical Panda 1000 spluttering on acceleration? :(


New member
Apr 30, 2009
Hey all, I'm kinda new here, been reading all the threads and stuff for a little while now some pretty cool stuff.

Was wondering if anyone could help me out?

I have a 1991 Panda 1000 (Sergio Tacchini), I've had the car for nearly two years and not experienced any real troubles however recently it has started spluttering when I try to accelerate.

I can avoid the splutter provided I am very very gentle with the pedal but this means I cannot build up speed at anywhere near a reasonable rate.


Either carb jets need blowing out with some compressed air or there is an air leak in the inlet somewhere. Probably the gasket between engine and manifold. There is a chance that the idle mixture could do with tweaking, but it is unlikely it has been moved and would therefore only mask the real problem if you adjusted it. It might be something to look at after you have cleaned the carb and the jets and checked for leaks around the manifold (perhaps spray some WD40 on the manifold/engine interface and look for bubbles).
Sounds like an issue with the ignition to me. I don't know Panda's, so don't know if it's electronic or not.... but you want to check things like HT leads, Plugs, coil, Distributer (or coilpack), LT wiring, points (if it has them), condensor (if it has one)...

Normally that's what causes spluttering on acceleration with normal running at other times.
must be catching, my sergio is running rough at the moment too. Would try all the above first, then, if you've got a Sergio Tacchinni that's running a bit rough you could try seeing if Kev (Purple Haze) has a better one to swap, He's dying to get his hands on one.
welcome, nice to see another Sergio on the forum are you a grey or a blue?
must be catching, my sergio is running rough at the moment too. Would try all the above first, then, if you've got a Sergio Tacchinni that's running a bit rough you could try seeing if Kev (Purple Haze) has a better one to swap, He's dying to get his hands on one.
welcome, nice to see another Sergio on the forum are you a grey or a blue?

Is that like pink and brown?;)

Welcome to the forum

As lewey said...carb jets (first) then electrics (like above) and also vacuum advance module (if it works, if smal plastic connector is not cracked)...
Blue =)

I've got the day off tomorrow so will run through it all.

Thanks for the quick replies (y) and sorry for such a short one :eek:

Also glad to be here on the FF :D
