General Ouch! It snapped.

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General Ouch! It snapped.


New member
May 6, 2009
Cam belt has Snaped on my mk2 Uno Turbo, Was at low revs and soon as it cut out Clutch was down and pulled over... How Much damage does any 1 reakon it may hav taken. i know about valve etc but all engines are different, i dont know how well these engine cope with snaped cam belts.:(
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Re: Ouch! It snaped.

that is true for 8v NA fire engines, i don't think its the same for the turbos


8v FIRE engines are 'safe', and will survive quite happily with a snapped cambelt. Put a new one on and it will carry on as if nothing has happened.

The Lampredi 8v engines (1116, 1299, 1301, 1372 and 1498) are NOT considered safe if the cambelt snaps. There is a very good chance you will have had some valve to piston contact, but the only way to find out is to put a new one on and see what happens. You might be lucky and get away with it.

You do need to find what caused the cambelt to snap in the first place. If changed regularly they shouldn't break, but poor maintenance and oil contamination can make them fail prematurely. Also check the tensioner as these can wear and cause uneven stresses on the belt.
Re: Ouch! It snaped.

but the only way to find out is to put a new one on and see what happens. You might be lucky and get away with it.

thats a mad way not the only way. i would take head off, or at least take cam cover off if its the type that you can with out the cams coming with it, and see if any valves are open when they should be closed, if they are then they bent
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Re: Ouch! It snaped.

thats a mad way not the only way. i would take head off, or at least take cam cover off if its the type that you can with out the cams coming with it, and see if any valves are open when they should be closed, if they are then they bent

Sorry, I should've said "the only way to find out without dismantelling the engine" ;)

If the valves have already kissed the pistons, then trying the engine with a new cambelt will just do the same again and confirm that the valves are damaged. However, if the engine was lucky when the original belt snapped then no damage will have resulted and the engine will carry on as before saving the trouble of removing the head.

But I do agree, your suggestion is safer ;)
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Re: Ouch! It snaped.

put the pistons half way and turn the cam, see what it feels like.
To my mind that's the best advice so far
I would always do this BEFORE trying to renew a snapped cambelt

If it feels like its binding when you rotate the cam you could then also remove the cam and its carrier from the head [head still on the block] to have a look at the top of the valves stems, springs and the collets

THEN with the cam off [so all valves should be shut] you can turn over the bottom end to check that it rotates freely

This is what I did on a Mitsubishi diesel engine in my 4x4 that is an interference engine when the belt tensioner bearing failed, bits of broken ball race dropped under the cambelt making it jump a few teeth on the crank pulley and the valves kissed the pistons [luckily when the engine was just idling] and the cambelt never even snapped!!! The engine just locked itself up dead!

Did all these checks, fitted a new cam belt, and the engine has run fine for the last year....
Re: Ouch! It snaped.

To my mind that's the best advice so far
I would always do this BEFORE trying to renew a snapped cambelt

If it feels like its binding when you rotate the cam you could then also remove the cam and its carrier from the head [head still on the block] to have a look at the top of the valves stems, springs and the collets

THEN with the cam off [so all valves should be shut] you can turn over the bottom end to check that it rotates freely

This is what I did on a Mitsubishi diesel engine in my 4x4 that is an interference engine when the belt tensioner bearing failed, bits of broken ball race dropped under the cambelt making it jump a few teeth on the crank pulley and the valves kissed the pistons [luckily when the engine was just idling] and the cambelt never even snapped!!! The engine just locked itself up dead!

Did all these checks, fitted a new cam belt, and the engine has run fine for the last year....

You have to be lucky sometimes - the same problem cost my brother a new engine! but the belt snapped too.
Put new belt on 2day, past weeks couldnt do due to lovely weather lol. and she started fine wooohoo nothin bent boosts fine sounds sweet cheers for ur help guys. thank god i didnt hav to take that head off lol :D
Good to hear mate :D

Thanks again for the bonnet :p I'm getting the front of my Uno sprayed up round the corner from you for £200.
