Technical OIL USED FOR SERVICE - Texaco 10/40

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Technical OIL USED FOR SERVICE - Texaco 10/40

Oct 6, 2007
Just had my first service at Arnold Clark. Checked the bill and noticed I have been charged £33.11 plus vat for the privilege of having 4.18 litres (correct volume) of Texaco 10/40 oil dumped into my GPS Multijet. What the f..k is going on. Fiat recommend Selenia WR which is a 5/40 grade oil.
1.9 MJET I always use 5w/40, not always selina but of similar specification.

End of the day if you want to look at it this way (and I know you will;)) they did not carry out the service to manufactures specifications. Wether Fiat will actually do anything about it is a different matter.
1.9 MJET I always use 5w/40, not always selina but of similar specification.

End of the day if you want to look at it this way (and I know you will;)) they did not carry out the service to manufactures specifications. Wether Fiat will actually do anything about it is a different matter.

T, thanks again for prompt reply. Why even do they admit that they have used Texaco 10/40?
When my 1.9 M-Jet was serviced at the main dealer I asked if they used Selenia. They said yes. Then phoned me later and said they had no Selenia. So I told them I wanted Selenia as its recomended. So they got some in from another garage. I collected the car, and noted that they had kindly left the remainder of the oil in the container in the car for me. I looked at the container, they hadnt used WR they used petrol engine Selenia. So I phoned them and told them. They agreed to have the car back again, change the oil for the correct one. Which they said so and left me the remainder of the correct one. I would phone them up and tell your not happy and to put the right grade in.