Technical Oil leak, need help!

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Technical Oil leak, need help!

Sep 17, 2016
Hey, guys so I recently got a new gearbox for my Fiat Grande Punto Sporting 1.4 16v 6Speed and everything has been fine. However, I looked under the car to make sure if everything is okay and I noticed oil over the front right side of the car. The gearbox is on the front left so I believe its nothing to do with that. Could it be a Head Gasket problem? I've attached some photos, if you need more let me know I can post them. Sorry, I don't know much about cars.


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Looks like front crankshaft V-ring (lip-ring) seal got a leak, most probably NOT related to the gearbox change. Another big expense to face I'm afraid ...

Regards, Bernie
Check if there is oil near the engine mount. (under it behind a blank plate near timing belt)
@ cmosfxx: coming from upper engine ? Looks really as getting off the front bearing behind the pulley, no ?

Regards, Bernie
Noooo way I'm having the exact same problem as you oil in the same place its coming of the driveshaft seal drivers aide and runs down the cross bar and drips. I'm gonna get the RAC out for it to claim on my parts and labour they should cover it as its not the boot seal.
I doubt oil coming from the driveshaft seal would go up to there, specially with the intermediate shaft on the driver side ! Anyway, gearbox oil can be easily identified from engine oil: put some collector under the car where the oil use to drip on the floor and compare the viscosity. Thick oil: gearbox / Ligher oil: engine . Of course that request a minimum of experience to identify, one could still us a SAE-viscosimeter but it's a bit out of topic here ;-)

Regards, Bernie
See I thought that how on earth does it get there, but the smell and thickness is not motor oil.
Well, after all, anything can happen, let's wait for Cullen's update on this one...

Regards, Bernie
I'm actually having this exact problem, and from what I can tell it's the Crankshaft Lip seal, but im not 100% on it. Are you getting oil spray everywhere within the engine bay also? I'm just curious as I am, and I know it's coming from oil being on the alternator belt and it being launched everywhere.
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Mine is coming from gearbox offside drives haft seal still not had it sorted but wiped it clean to so I can confirm and it is coming from there. Goes all over the rear engine mount haha.
Thanks fot posting the update and glad to know it was finally a cheap fix…

Lesson here is (again) one should consider 'details' before going deep in part replacement and critisize F**** bad Fiats, as often good care and appropriate maintenance are the key words for a good drive experience (with any car...)

BRs, Bernie

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Update: Sorry for the late reply. Turned out one of my hose's had a split and was leaking down. Had the hose replaced and no issues since.

I'm wondering now, which hose?

There aren't any oil lines on this engine. (except the small pcv breather hose)
it was a coolant hose, got worse over time and was dripping all over my engine bay. I had a split in the very end after the clip. Started steaming after a while as it was dripping onto a hot part of the engine. All sorted now and it wasn’t oil. Sorry for the title I panicked and thought it was oil
Mind if i ask, why your Photographs are from 27/02/2017 ?
Probably because he never set-up the date-time on his camera ...