Technical Oil filter remove

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Technical Oil filter remove

Jul 20, 2023
Hi guy's I'm currently doing an oil service on my 2023 Panda TA 9.0 4X4 can someone tell me how to remove the oil filter from the oil canister it appears to be clipped into the canister but I can't see how to remove it?

Obviously I don't want to force it but there seems to be a spring clip thing at the bottom of the filter inside the canister.



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If it's the one I think it is try turning the filter as you pull,
the filliter clips over a plastic disc with a segment cut out
but they can be a real pain and the plastic goes brittle
due to heat.
The caps are about £8 on evel bay but there are 2 types
so make sure you get the right one if it breaks,
Thanks, found a video with two guys in Portugal doing an oil change (around 8mins) on a Cross 4X4 but they don't show you them removing the filter unfortunately, you can see them removing the cartridge cap and filter and he shows you the new filter but I suspect they had problems too removing the actual filter.

Thanks, that's kinda similar but it's a different oil filter, photos above.

I've refitted the old one, its a bit dirty but the car's only done 5000 miles so hopefully I'll be able replace the filter at the next oil service.

I should be able to find out how to remove the old filter by then or I'll buy a new canister cap and do it that way.

I can't believe how difficult it is to get that filter out of the canister cap, I mean you have to line up the lug on the filter with the hole in the canister in the engine and the easiest way to do that IMO is to fit the filter first then the cap last.
Eh up,

Just needs a good ting 👍

Feels like it’s going to break but just a wiggle out does it
Well the oil service went well, apart from the filter issue, I replaced the air filter which was simple and a new copper washer on the sump plug.

I had to remove the bash plate, you can get to the sump plug but you'd end up having oil everywhere if you drain the sump with the bash plate in situ.

I've never done anything on a car before although I'm a plumber/heating engineer but that was a whole other ball game but I just took my time especially getting the car up on axel stands but I'd bought everything months ago, trolley jack, axel stands, oil and oil filter, air filter and cabin filter (I bought that just to make up the order) and two copper sump washers plus tools ie socket set, 17mm spanner and pliers for the air tube and I read everything about getting the car up on the stands and the oil service via the guides on here.

The car's only done 4796 miles but it is now a year old as far as we're concerned but it was registered on the 30th March last year although we didn't buy it until the end of June it only had a 100 miles on the clock when we picked it up but I was actually shocked at how dirty the oil was I mean it's pitch black the oil filter is the same just a bit disappointed not to have been able to replace it today but I'll definitely get it replaced at the next oil service next year.

I'll reset the service record tomorrow using mes but I'm not going to do the UniAir reset there's another thread in which a member has replaced the multi air module in his 500 and he seems to suggest that the Uni Air reset is only meant to be done when you replace the module rather than at every service.

There doesn't appear to be definitive advice on the UniAir reset so I'm going to err on the side of caution for the moment but I can always do it later on if needs be.

My wife drives the car and her milage is about 20 miles a day going back and forward to her work so no long journeys but she does come and go to work via the motorway some days so it does get up to a decent speed most days.

Anyway thanks again guys, if anyone knows the part number or has a link for ebay for the oil canister cap that would be really helpful.


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Found this below from a guide in here.

“To undo the housing you will need a 24mm socket (I used a 15/16"), an extension bar, and a UJ adapter. Get all that together and unscrew the filter housing. There will be some oil still in there, so be careful not to spill it over the engine bay.

I found it quite difficult to get the filter and housing out from the engine bay -- it is just a little too big to be lifted out easily. What I found helped was rotating the housing 90 degrees, so that the filter was pointing up and out, then worming the whole thing out.

Drain any remaining oil by standing the filter and housing on some newspaper.

The filter cartridge is held in the housing by a circular clip, and is quite hard to pull out. Give it some welly: hold the housing with one hand, and pull the cartridge straight up and out with the other.

Clean the housing with newspaper or cloth.

Remove the old O-ring and discard.

Smear the new O-ring that comes with the new filter with clean engine oil, and replace in the groove on the housing.

Smear the felt seal on the new filter cartridge with clean oil and clip the cartridge into the housing.

Smear clean oil on the little O-ring on the overflow valve and the top of the cartridge in general.

Screw the filter and housing back onto the engine. At first do it by hand, being careful not to cross threads, and not to force anything.

As printed on the housing, torque up to 25Nm.”

I bought a new oil filter cover guys, there's virtually no stock anywhere but I managed to find one on Fiat Workshop for £37 plus delivery which is only about £3.50 so I bought a sump plug and another oil filter so that I've always have a spare cover and filter.

Here's the part numbers below if anyone needs them in future.

COVER. Oil filter housing screw on cover (includes sealing ring). 55224599
SUMP plug. • Includes sump washer M12x1,25x13mm. 55184773
OIL FILTER. Paper element (with sealing ring). 55224598
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Hi guys, just a quick update to this, the cartridge cover and filter arrived today so I swapped them over took only about five minutes.

I didn't have to drain the engine oil as the filter cartridge canister is quite high up above the sump.

The good news is to remove the oil filter from the cartridge cover just a pull it out :ROFLMAO: it does take a wee bit of effort but it comes out easily enough so a good old tug:ROFLMAO: on the filter and hold the cover at the same time.

I've enough oil, an new oil filter and a new sump plug & washer for the next oil service which should be around next springtime, I'll just need to buy a new air filter nearer the time.

Fiat Workshop dispatch was excellent and the postage cost was reasonable, if you buy parts from them they send you a loyalty card, don't know what sort of discount you get with the card but it's a nice touch nonetheless, if I was closer to them I'd definitely use them for servicing or repairs in the future.

I suppose me and the wife could always make a weekend of it and drive down there, if needs be, probably be worth it to get the car serviced/looked at properly once the warranty period is up.

Thanks again for the advice and suggestions(y)
