Buna Băieți, sunt Membru nou pe Forumul Vostru, am si eu o intrebare, cum pot rezolva o problema destul de ciudata, de scurta vreme am intrat in posesia Fiatului Grande Punto 1.3D Multijet, si nu imi afiseaza Kilometrii, Consumul pe acel Display.,, mentuinez am schimbat ceasurile de bord, de pe o alta masina si tot asa imi nu imi afiseaza nimic, ce ar putea fi, si cum as putea rezolva aceseasta chestie. Va mulțumesc frumos, si va doresc toate cele bune...

Translation by Moderator below. (all posters should try to post in English unless there is a specific language section)
Hi Guys, I'm a new Member on your Forum, I also have a question, how can I solve a rather strange problem, I recently came into possession of the Fiat Grande Punto 1.3D Multijet, and it doesn't show the Kilometers, the Consumption on that Display. ,, I maintain that I changed the dashboard clocks, from another car, and it still doesn't show me anything, what could it be, and how could I solve this thing. Thank you very much, and I wish you all the best...

Translation by Moderator below. (all posters should try to post in English unless there is a specific language section)
Hi Guys, I'm a new Member on your Forum, I also have a question, how can I solve a rather strange problem, I recently came into possession of the Fiat Grande Punto 1.3D Multijet, and it doesn't show the Kilometers, the Consumption on that Display. ,, I maintain that I changed the dashboard clocks, from another car, and it still doesn't show me anything, what could it be, and how could I solve this thing. Thank you very much, and I wish you all the best...
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