No surprises.

Currently reading:
No surprises.

thats actually quite sad.

as it has wrecked it for the little kids that watch top gear as for those that didnt know who he was (me included) trying to work out who the stig was, is/was part of the fun of watching top gear
I agree its part of the fun trying to suss out who it is,my daughters watch it with me -they enjoy playing too.
But lets not forget people , that it has been denied its him , and that Clarkson said once that the stigs breath smell of magnesium - He then smelt Damien Hills breath later on the same show and commented it too smelt like magnesium!!, also its been documented that Tiff Needel is regularly spotted driving 'near' the Top Gear studio's-funny when he lives in the other direction!!!.
Ben Collins my Babber! (Bristolians will understand that!) (y)
Ben collins was mentioned in the H&SE report on Hammonds jet car accident, thats when the rumours started....BUT...its pretty obvious that there is more than one of them. They are different heights/builds and have differing gaits and composures, look closely next time.