We share something in common then. Year before last were had to be recovered from Dover Ferry Port back to Southampton (on our way out to Italy summer hols) after the clutch cover plate assembly failed. Clutch was fine.
We managed to get off 7 days later but is cost us £1400. New clutch assembly, thrust bearing, dual mass flywheel and we also had an alternator put on for good measure as it was easy to do. Why so expensive. 1) only our Fiat main dealer was available to do the work quickly (we did get discounts) and 2) to change the clutch the whole front subframe and a lot of the suspension has to be dismantled to get the gearbox out!
Like other I've had the usual suspects fail. Springs, driveshafts etc.
Only thing wrong with mine at the moment is the fuel filler cap push button. I've had 3 of these fail (every 2 years) so this time I've not replaced the whole locking assembly and now have a little rubber sucker on a piece of string I use to open the flap. Did think about sticking a high power magnet on the inside of the flap then all I would have to do is offer a metal key ring to the flap to draw it open but there is a risk of scratching the paintwork so I'm sticking with the rubber sucker for the time being.
The joys of owning a Croma!