General New to Seicento!!

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General New to Seicento!!


New member
Oct 4, 2012
Hi everyone,

Just bought myself a little 0.9 Seicento off a guy at work for £150!!!! Bargain i say, only problem is the gearbox so not too bad :D

I have been looking at projects and and such as i LOVE the look of the 1.4turbo i think i best leave that to a later date! until then im looking at the punto engines?
basically i just want some advice as to which engine would be the best option to drop in? :)

Any advice will be much appreciated, thanks :)
cheers mate, and which is the best for tuning? the 8v or 16v? sorry if these seem stupid questions just want to know what im getting myself into haha.. is it a big job or fairly straight forward?
seeing as you have both both which would be the one you recommend?

LOL honesty........ i like the 16v cars, in a street situation i prefer the way they handle their business. The Punto Gt ( 1.4 turbo Mk1 ) is a heavy engine and although its been done many times, probably upsets the sweet handling.

It is going to be more work, ie wiring etc, i suppose the ultimate question is down to your skill, wallet and time. Theres people on here more knowledgeable about Fiats than me.

I hate to copy what someones already posted, but Rallycinq has good advice too. If the gearbox is knackered anyhow............ ;)
I'd not say it's worthless without trying it, but one thing for sure, it's a very tricky install -- custom mounts and a fair bit of fabrication.

SuperFIRE 1.4 16v is easier, but nothing like the power available, and you really need an aftermarket ECU or a remap on a 1.2 16v one.

1242 8v with 40mm TB and P75 cam still makes for a spunky little car -- will do a standard Bini.
Tbh the whole POWERRRRRRRRRR side of it doesnt interest me too much, i just want a nice simple, reliable engine that we could install without too much complications but have enough power just to have fun with it if you get me?... so would the 8v be a better option or?....