General new Panda alloy wheel centre caps

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General new Panda alloy wheel centre caps

g price

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Jun 27, 2010
Does anyone know where i can buy a new centre cap for my Panda wheel. It's a 14 inch alloy and some swine nicked one so i need a replacement.
Which design of wheel do you have?

Fiat will supply the centre caps but I don't know if you'd have to buy a full set or not? They are also likely to be costly.

Try Ebay or a car breakers yard.
I've replaced a couple on my Panda in the past - I think they had fallen off (rather than been nicked).

IIRC they were about £8 each from a Fiat dealer. They were a couple of different designs available at the time, and probably more now, so worth making sure they have all the options in stock to save a wasted journey.

There's a bit of a knack to fitting them, which I think involved gently pulling apart the metal ring that holds the plastic lugs in place while you are putting it on the wheel (it was a while ago that I did it). If you do that, you don't need much force to get it on the wheel - I think there's a risk of the plastic lugs breaking if you were to just bash it on with a mallet, which I suspect is why I lost two in the first place.
I need one of these for my 55 Sporting. I called my local dealer (Desira) and they quoted £25 for one! Anyone bought these from a cheaper a source? I've tried ebay but nothing there right now...
