Well, the 500D has arrived.
I pushed Franko outside to see the light. He is very easy to push now as its basically a shell on wheels and a lot lighter due to shedding all that rust.
Took a few photos side by side and then had the fun of getting the 500D in the garage. I have a double width garage but only one set of doors, so the wife and I maneuvered the 500D in as best we could then I had to bump the back round. Might have to install another set of doors some time in the future.
Well he is now safely stored in the dry now and will have to sit and watch Franko get finished before he gets any further attention.
The good news is there are a lot of items on the vehicle that are salvageable due to them being better quality parts than the 500L.
Sunroof mechanism, door handles, window winders, all the light bases etc are all serviceable as they were made of alloy or better quality materials than the L and these can all be refurbished.
The steering wheel looks very grubby but it isn't cracked so just needs cleaning and refinishing as Tony(Vittesse) done on his F. See Tony I have read your thread
Looking forward to this project, but I have plenty of time to do some research first, and check out all those other threads based on the earlier models.
Mean while, back to Franko we go.