Styling My cinqs new behind!!!

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Styling My cinqs new behind!!!

Oct 8, 2004
Just fitted my newly painted tailgate today,and also fitted my new badges Fiat badge is from a fiesta mk6 and the chrome sporting badge is from the autosport show
Sorry for the poor quality pictures
P.s i delocked it myself


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mase said:
that is, without doubt, goin to be one of the nicest cinqs around when u finish it mate (y)

Mase you say the nicest things you little charmer:D
But seriously i`m quite pleased but i know i could have done better(n)
I actually like the Fiesta badges you have concocted there Ade, I often see these kind of things done to other cars and the font of the badge just tells it ain't at home on that car BUT yours is great.

Are they anymore of these chrome Sporting badges going around?

Hi Liam
Sorry don`t remember whos stall the sporting badge came from?It`s the same brand as thw ones you see in all car shops they do mpower and type r and stuff and it only cost a fiver,
Hi Mase
I prefer cinqs with rear wipers,i like my mods to look as if they may have been factory spec,With everything removed it just looks a little plain(Imo)
AIJ29 said:
Hi Mase
I prefer cinqs with rear wipers,i like my mods to look as if they may have been factory spec,With everything removed it just looks a little plain(Imo)

fair play mate... i kno wat u mean (y)

where as i like it all smooth and understated :cool: all about personal perference....

im lookin at attempting to de-badge a bonnet this summer, :eek: u got any pointers?
Hi Mase
I`ve got to replace my bonnet soon to(actually the whole front end)
And i`ll be de-badging that i think the easiest way would be bridging filler(the stuff that fills rust holes)
But i`m going to make up a little plate and weld it to the bonnet grind it back with a 36 grit floppy grinding disc and a thin skim of filler,Then cut out a hole and fit my punto letterbox vent (to let in some cold air)(y)
P.s my wheels should be going on today:D
AIJ29 said:
Hi Mase
I`ve got to replace my bonnet soon to(actually the whole front end)
And i`ll be de-badging that i think the easiest way would be bridging filler(the stuff that fills rust holes)
But i`m going to make up a little plate and weld it to the bonnet grind it back with a 36 grit floppy grinding disc and a thin skim of filler,Then cut out a hole and fit my punto letterbox vent (to let in some cold air)(y)
P.s my wheels should be going on today:D

how much to make one for me? (y)

p.s: git.... i looooooooove those wheels, gotta post some more pics when u get them fitted :yum:
Hi Mase
My mate does the welding(as mine is far to untidy)so i have to call in favours just to get mine done,So can`t really do them for anyone else i`m afraid
p.s you found those goodrich hoses yet?
Door handles are on hold for the moment got to many other things to do but they will get done.
Yep thats the bonnet vent i`m getting but i think i`m going to cut mine down it`s a bit wide for a cnq bonnet imo
AIJ29 said:
Hi Mase
My mate does the welding(as mine is far to untidy)so i have to call in favours just to get mine done,So can`t really do them for anyone else i`m afraid
p.s you found those goodrich hoses yet?

yea its all good mate.... ill have to call in favours as well, i think id kill myself if i tried welding, or end up with a bonnet shaped arm :D

re hoses: nope lol, im having a huge attic clear out and loads of stuff is goin on ebay over next couple of weeks, (got easily half a car to shift) so if i do find them ill let u kno for sure (y)