Technical Multiwagon rear spring

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Technical Multiwagon rear spring


New member
Mar 24, 2008
Hey guys,

Does anyone know if it is possible to change the rear spring on a Multiwagon with no specialist tools?
My Dad wondered if removing the shock absorber would let it drop enough to change it over?

Not been able to find any other threads on this but if anyones seen any I'd appreciate reading them.

Thanks for any help,

Yes. Just release the lower damper mounting bolt and the beam axle will drop enough to remove the spring. You will need to support the body and probably need to remove both dampers bolts to allow the axle to drop evenly and sufficiently to remove the spring.

Hope that helps.
Watch the hand brake cables and the hydraulic brake hose don’t overstretch.
I would seriously think about slackening the axle bushes, they are oil filled and I’m thinking about the extra twist that will be exerted on them might start them leaking.
If you do slacken them they must be tightened with the vehicle at normal ride height.

you will most likely need spring compressors, reacently with my rear bushes i was unable to to get the springs in without the compressors, the rear axel beam wound not swing down far enough.
also make sure they sit in the cups square otherwise they will rub agains the shocks.