Technical MOT failure, car overheated

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Technical MOT failure, car overheated


New member
Oct 6, 2009
I have owned a Punto (2001,Y reg) for a little under a year. The car appears to have been well looked after as it came with full service history and a lot of money had been spent. Nevertheless over the last year I have had to replace the exhaust (blowing), I had to replace the oil sump (major oil leak), windscreen wipers (failed suddenly) and the bonnet catch jammed, Quite a few problems in just 1 year and the clutch also has bad judder (I understand a common problem).

Today I took it for it's MOT test and before going checked the engine levels and lights (I'm no mechanic so thats really the limit of my knowledge). I took it to Kwik Fit (yes I know....) because they seemed to be the cheapest and had my previous car MOT'd there the previous year without problem.

However they called me up to say the during the emissions test the engine boiled over and coolant was leaking out. They told me that the radiator was only hot on one side and one of the pipes was boiling the other cold and this was therefore likely a problem with the temperature sensor or water pump and would cost "£60-£70" to put right and told me I also needed new rear tyres and new front brake pads and disks. They asked me if I was OK to have the tyres and brakes done which I was but when they called to say the car was ready they told me they don't deal with engine problems and to take the car elswhere to have that fixed. However they neglected to tell me that the car had "a major oil leak" (again?!!) which was reported on their test form and had water in one of the rear light clusters.

I took it to another garage I have used before who looked at the cooling problem and said it was likely the head gasket. They did manage to run the emissions test without it over heating (by putting the heaters on full) but said it failed on emissions and would likely need a new lamda sensor and cataltyic converter as well and that in their opinion it was not economic to repair. From the service history however the car failed an MOT 18 months ago on emissions and had the lamba sensor and catalytic converter replaced (along with the clutch, clutch arm, 2 * clutch bushes and starter motor), subsequently passing the MOT. I would expect these components to last more than 18 months / 12,000 miles!

I have never been aware of the car overheating before and have very recently used the car for both fairly long motorway trips (over 100 miles) and stop/start town driving with no overheating problems as well as on steep hills with passengers in the back. However on driving to the super market and back this evening (only 4 miles in total) when I got out the car there was a bad smell which I have never noticed before.

Kwik Fit admitted that they were not checking the dash board when revving the engine for the emission test saying they were looking at the computer screen and so would not have noticed if the temperature warning light came on. I am wondering if by them letting the engine get so hot it boiled over they have damaged the head gasket.

Any one got any advice. Is scrapping or trading in the only viable option?
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I think both your chosen garages are having it away with you.

I presume you were also checking the coolant levels as part of your weekly checks.



Well I checked it last a couple of months ago and before the MOT and it all looked fine. Also the garage that did the MOT said the coolant level was fine.

If you are worried that the two garages might be ripping you off, you could always try having an MOT carried out on your car at your local authority's MOT centre - they are impartial and then it's your decision about where to get any problems fixed, ie at a garage of your choice. Local authority MOT centres can be hard to track down - there's a list and a further explanation on (sorry I don't have the exact link). The basic story is that local authorities have their own MOT test centres for their own vehicles (cars, road sweepers, vans etc) but they have to let the public use their MOT centre too - they just don't really publicise this. If your vehicle fails, they don't fix it - it's up to you as to where you get it fixed, that way the local authority MOT centre has no vested interest in the outcome of your MOT.

I haven't tried it, as my own local authority is very elusive about where it's MOT test centre is!

Would also suggest looking on this forum at the garages section - you might find that someone has suggested a good garage in your area.

Good luck (y)and don't be scared of telling a garage you're going elsewhere for a 2nd opinion! :D
Thanks all for your advice. I took the car to another garage local to me explaining the problem. They could find no evidence of a cooling fault and ran the emission test part of the MOT which it passed with no problems (and no over heating). So with my agreement they carried out the full MOT which it passed fine. There was no advisory issued either. They only charged me for the new MOT. :D
Thanks all for your advice. I took the car to another garage local to me explaining the problem. They could find no evidence of a cooling fault and ran the emission test part of the MOT which it passed with no problems (and no over heating). So with my agreement they carried out the full MOT which it passed fine. There was no advisory issued either. They only charged me for the new MOT. :D
Hi glad to hear things are fine now and your car passed ok- regarding cyinder head problem these cars are prone for this problem, just had mine repaired, mine Yreg too and I have had lots of jobs done to this car! here are just a few, starting motor,sump,ecu lambor sencers,power stering, back brakes, front pad and discs, plug leads! I love this car it goes well in france, scotland!:D just keep a eye on the water levels and dont go to kiq fit they are crap Poulard
Yes you have confirmed my suspicions about Kack -Fit ,3 M.O.Ts back they issued me an advisory note stating that the rear suspension pin bearing was well worn (offside)on my punto 55 sx Nreg,strange then that it passed its mot again from an independent coach firm that dont do repair work,goes to show its the old rip off mentality from these larger outfits,incidentally I asked the guy to check this bearing the 12 months later at the above mot testing station (coach firm )he said there was nothing at all wrong with the bearing as tight as a drum ,legalised fraud nearly by Kack -fit.
The likes of Kwik Fit rely on the fact that ~95% of people on the road know bugger all about their own cars. And business can only get better with this model because I would estimate that the 95% figure is getting bigger looking at the negligent state of some of the cars on the road.
I always tell my MOT tester that if my car fails on anything I will be taking it away and doing the work myself, this usually does the trick and Ihavn't had a tester try to pull the wool over my eyes yet. Probably good advise to tell them this anyway even if you know nothing about cars. You can always get them to quote on the work if it still fails.