Technical MissFire when underload! HELP?

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Technical MissFire when underload! HELP?


New member
Mar 11, 2010
Hey everyone! Please can you give me your advice. Got a 1994 cinq sx and it runs fine on tick over however when you are driving it and its underload it has a small misfire?

Any ideas on what could be casuing this and how to fix it?



Hey guys thanks for the relpies!

No i dont know when it was last serviced as my dad got given it from someone!
It has only done 32000 miles though. not sure if that helps any.

Like i said, on tick over its fine?
What you describe sounds a bit like a recent problem I had. Does the misfire always happen under acceleration? Have you ever let the fuel run too low in the tank? A cheap pre-garage alternative would be to pour some injection system cleaner into the fuel tank just before filling up. That should clear any blockages. If you've still got the problem after that, at least that's one possible cause eliminated.
I would start with checking 2 things.

1. Make sure that you have good fuel in the tank - go to Shell or BP and get some fresh petrol in.

2. Check that you dont have a vapour lock (vacuum building up in the fuel tank)

If neither of the above start looking at the plugs / leads etc