Technical misfire issue

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Technical misfire issue


Rallying Crazy guy
Jan 11, 2009
Hey guys, had a misfire on the car (cylinder 1 with a wet coil) changed coil and cleared fault, jumped in the car this morning and it struggled to start,then until warm the car misfires, coils were connected exactly like the old ones, any ideas? I've currently got the battery disconnected to try and reset the ECU that way while I'm parked at work
Resetting the ECU won't help.

You need new leads. A little silicone grease at the coil and plug ends won't hurt either.

It's unwise to change one coil pack at a time on Mk2 Puntos (or early MPI Seis) as it can lead to ECU damage.

Although -- mysteriously -- the coils can fail leading to a misfire on only one cylinder, it's fairly rare.
Don't understand wet coil. If a plug has been misfiring it will generally be fouled and need cleaning if not replacement. A new coil won't clean it. If you haven't already I would pull them to check the colour.
How's your coolant level holding up. Slight misfire at cold idle can be an early warning of headgasket trouble.
Both coils were actually changed, cool and is dropping per 1000 miles, I've not had a chance to check the plugs but ill try tomorrow (no time today unfortunately) and good thinking about the HT Leads, will get new ordered today
Eurocarparts did a set of leads for just £10 the other week
And Spark plugs @ £2.22 ea

If both coils are okay, then try spark plugs and HT's

But misfires can be all sorts from

flooded cylinders
poor compression
a mis-gapped valve - but that wouldnt clear actually when warm
But eitherway

if HT's and Sparks dont cure, i'd be inclined to have
A compression test
A Coolant pressure test
An emmissions readout to see whats happening

I had misfiring on my 1st coil pack, I replaced both coil packs yet I still get the misfiring. So I'm just going to presume it's the leads. The plugs had also been replaced :(
Re-connected the battery, car fired and no misfire, I'm going to work on my drivers rally car (Peugeot 205) so ill borrow the HT leads from that and if it's still spot on then I'll get a full set