Miracle Heath Cures

Currently reading:
Miracle Heath Cures

I have read that book :), very interesting.

In fact, it was my ex (although current business partner) who purchased it... And she isn't special needs, far from it ;)
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Ok...Ok I take that back, I can believe the bit about more natural sleep after all certain plant extracts have been SCIENTIFICALLY proven to help.

Curing Diabetes and osteoporosis I very much doubt and unless they have extensive research and proven the results they shouldn't be charging for such publications IMO.

For example there's at least 6-12 different manifestations of arthritis all with different causes and complications and thus treatment.

I do apologise for my wording, been a hard week and I'm moody :(. Sorry.

Edit:- And could they make that page more awkward to read and actually digest. Someone doesn't know what an index is lol.
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It is always easy to comment on something when you have no real knowledge on the area concerned.

I can guarantee you now that johnson550 has never ever read that book, yet has dismissed it straight away. Surely it would be better to read something first - then criticise - that way the debate can begin (forget the cost at this stage, it is also refundable :p)

Don't forgot, a lot of us go down the holistic route and alternative therapies, and take this quite seriously. I don't use conventional medicines in any shape or form plus have experienced many treatments, in fact I regularly go for crystal therapy and see a chiropractor, plus I have experienced Reiki, etc. I wouldn't have it any other way now :)
the way most of these alternative medicines work is either through a placebo effect or alternatively they allow you to relax and let your body deal with things.

I tried reading it but it was like watching a shopping channel, and i inevnitably started to feel the need to claw out my own eyes with a rusty utensil. If you've got something to say, just ****ing say it! :mad:
My Dad tried the Holistic rout for his illness. They just gave him a million herbal drugs and potions and it just made him even more ill.

My Secretary swears by it all though TBH.
A colleague of mine is very big into alternative therapies including massage, raki and the like. I know next to nothing about them, but he often doesn't describe what he does as being a cure, but more a means of pain relief.

A bloke we both know was knocked off his push bike about 10 years ago, ironically by an A&E nurse on her way to work. As things stood at the time, the only compensation he got was for his bike that was destroyed. He actually suffered extensive nerve damage to his spine and pelvis which has caused him pain every day since.

Duncan massages his feet and this provides better pain relief than the Kopake (sp?) and Tramadol.

Logic dictates that just like it's odds on that there are other intelligent life forms in the Universe, there must be alternatives to conventional medicine. The drug companies and medical profession make too much money for them to admit there are alternatives.

However, the lack of regulation is what makes the alternatives too much of a gamble for most.