Maxpower Live

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Maxpower Live



Where were the Bravos????

I didnt see one bravo all day (saturday) I looked inside and out and didnt see any! (probably due to the fact of skantily clad ladies) Did any1 see the mad pug 106 inside, it had sort of diamond shaped exhausts and flip paint work.
hi mate

How there Bren hows it goin?I went today and u r right there was no bravos.I'm soon to be making sure that doesn't happen again. The problem is that u have to be asked!For that reason u need either to be in the top 200 cars external/100 for interior.

I saw Allan Brava though i wanted to meet up with him but every time i went to find him he wasn't there!Nevermind. I had a really good day and yes i did see the 106 with the diamond exausts and it was really cool!I liked the wide kit it had. Something that i really liked was this big wide exaust that was on a escort and 5 gt turb. Me want!!!!!

Anyway did any others go?

Allan Brown
max live

Yeah i was there on Saturday in my HGT with another also in an HGT.
Also didn't see any other Bravos and could not find Allan's Brava. (Where was it?)

Was parked away in the corner of the south car park so the car's wern't really visable to others.
Re: hi mate

I gave it a miss this year. Quite a few friend went down though. They all said it was a really good day. Looking forward to Ultimate street car now and the the 4th at Santapod. But I'll be there next year with my car on show. There are other ways to get you're car in the show as well. The fact that Fiat dont have a proper modified car owners club dosen't help the matter much either.

Is your car finished yet Al? I'll be backing you up next year too m8 at the shows. Allans the only person with a Bravo that regularly dose any shows. Will be brilliant when theres a few more Modified Bravo's are doing the rounds. Are you gonna be at Santapod on the 4th so I can check your motor out?

One of my mate had his car on show. Did any of you lost see the mk2 supercharged red polo with the Mk 4 golf head lights on the front?(outside)

What did you think? Pretty good for a Vdub!!! haha

I may be going USC not sure yet, the guy that is organising it all doesnt seem to be to quick at answering stuff, i have sent him a few emails about various stuff ages ago and he still hasnt replied :S, as for max live was a good day and I thought the outside arena thing was something a little different from the usual arenas. That TVR was mad :0

Cheers Rob for the support. Just in case u didn't Allan's brava it was outside just before the entrance.

U all have to agree with me that its **** when u cant get ideas for your car when there isn't any other Bravos!!!!! I have lots of thing i want to put on but from other cars so im gonna have to spend.

My car, just today has come out of the bodyshop and the boot and e-tech spoiler finished. Believe me its mint!!! I will get some photos sorted for u all vsoon

Allan Brown

dont go in a Bravo . let the Nova and saxo boys pull their little todgers and add decorum by not being there..please

Dont you know how the editors of Lax Power are taking the **** or are you too lost?
completely true Nige!

A friend of mine worked for Spax and met the editors of Sux Power. They knew exactly what they were doing and who they were selling to, and had very little respect for their readership: little boys who spent all their money in Halfords.

The worst thing is, lots of the the readers seem to be looking for bolt-on bits of tat! There was a time when 'customizing' was a real artform, and took skill and patience. Anyone seen 'Big Daddy' Roth's creations, or even Andy Saunders'? Amazing. The Sux Power cars are like sheep: they all have exactly the same mods (stupid, oversized wheels; tea tray nailed to the rear window; windows painted black; all of the boot taken up with the stereo; a pointlessly huge exhaust tailpipe; a picture of a racing filler cap stuck to the side) and end up looking all the same.

I really hope the Bravo doesn't get a reputation as a Kev Car, it'll have to go if that happens.

Al I know what you're saying about the lack of modding going on with the Bravo. Its pants......

Will mail you m8


If your looking for inspiration have you tried this site

Also try looking in the other peoples cars section under 'Arni Tomas'

Sorry if you already know about these.

The other problem of course being that none of these cars are in the UK.
Re: Bravos

Cheers Si, I have seen it before but thanks for the effort m8. There is some seriously nice Bravos on those pages! They all look fantastic!!

As far as the 4th go's I'll post a meeting place for those who are interested later in the week.
Thank You

We have been l00kin for ins peration for our F0rd Orian 1.3l for some time and those pics on the max live site are c@@l. Trace specially likes the way they have all had the balls to spend loads of wonga on cars that are really crap to start wiv and make them look like they would win lemans with theyre big spoilers. really cool

we hope to c u @ the next one m8's so we can swap ideas and be reely prowd of our creasians.


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