I have this sat nav. I recently took up TomTom's "offer" for 6 months extra free map updates, ie 7 updates including the immediate one ( v9.25). I think it iniquitous that each update therefore costs around £10, but heyho, I was daft enough to be seduced into the Blue&Me system!
So, I connected the satnav. It told me 3 updates were ready for install- map 9.25, GPS fix (what's that?) and speed camera update. I clicked "update all".
The TomTom B&M2 uses "my drive connect" for updating, rather than "TomTom Home", so there is no facility to do a backup first. I've tried linking it to the "Home" system to do so, it won't recognise the device. So, as this was my first update, I clicked with trepidation!
So, everything seemed to start well. It told me the updates would take around 63mins. Imagine my horror when, at around 42 mins to go, the system jumped to 120+mins to go- then, told me it was finished working with my satnav device,and I could unplug it. ONLY TO FIND NO MAPS INSTALLED ON THE DEVICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- yep, none whatsoever..............
OMG, was I in a flap. £200 for the satnav, £18 for 18months of speed camera updates, £67 for 18months map updates, plus the cost of a spare windscreen mount and spare cable to use the satnav in my other ( none 68r port) cars.
So I reconnected the satnav. This time, it told me,effectively, don't worry- and showed me a screen to move stuff from a right window pane to a left window pane. No Way am I messing with the content, so I closed everything down. Still no maps on the satnav.
I reconnected, and reopened mydrive connect. This time, it said it was downloading content to my computer (stage1). Try as I might, I could find nowhere on the computer where this stuff was going. After 48mins, it said 100% downloaded. I expected it to move on to stage 2, install to device. I sat there a good 3 minutes, nothing happening, no explanation-so I was worrying again-- THEN, it started to install. 50 mins later, I had a satnav which it tells me is up to date- and I have the latest 9.25 map (i checked!).
has anyone else done this?- if so was it the same process, or did it happen glitch free (or what I suppose to be a glitch)
or, is this normal process?- does it first uninstall all the maps, then reinstall? If so, it would help if TomTom explained this somewhere!! I could have had a heart attack............
Seriously though, I'd be grateful of others' experiences of this process. And assessment of what (if anything) might have gone wrong. I had no power cuts/dropouts of internet, I have a fast 18mbps service. At the end of the process, it tells me that the update is something like 3900+mbs, with only 4 (yes,only FOUR) mb spare space. Yet there is no SD card expansion port available on the satnav. Is this whole thing just a bag of c**p, and I've wasted my money?
I don't fancy the next map update in a few weeks if I have to go through all that again. It seems the whole process is taken over by TomTom, once the device is connected to my drive, without any recourse to protecting oneself by a backup first, or am I just worrying needlessly?
Any info gratefully received.
So, I connected the satnav. It told me 3 updates were ready for install- map 9.25, GPS fix (what's that?) and speed camera update. I clicked "update all".
The TomTom B&M2 uses "my drive connect" for updating, rather than "TomTom Home", so there is no facility to do a backup first. I've tried linking it to the "Home" system to do so, it won't recognise the device. So, as this was my first update, I clicked with trepidation!
So, everything seemed to start well. It told me the updates would take around 63mins. Imagine my horror when, at around 42 mins to go, the system jumped to 120+mins to go- then, told me it was finished working with my satnav device,and I could unplug it. ONLY TO FIND NO MAPS INSTALLED ON THE DEVICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- yep, none whatsoever..............
OMG, was I in a flap. £200 for the satnav, £18 for 18months of speed camera updates, £67 for 18months map updates, plus the cost of a spare windscreen mount and spare cable to use the satnav in my other ( none 68r port) cars.
So I reconnected the satnav. This time, it told me,effectively, don't worry- and showed me a screen to move stuff from a right window pane to a left window pane. No Way am I messing with the content, so I closed everything down. Still no maps on the satnav.
I reconnected, and reopened mydrive connect. This time, it said it was downloading content to my computer (stage1). Try as I might, I could find nowhere on the computer where this stuff was going. After 48mins, it said 100% downloaded. I expected it to move on to stage 2, install to device. I sat there a good 3 minutes, nothing happening, no explanation-so I was worrying again-- THEN, it started to install. 50 mins later, I had a satnav which it tells me is up to date- and I have the latest 9.25 map (i checked!).
has anyone else done this?- if so was it the same process, or did it happen glitch free (or what I suppose to be a glitch)
or, is this normal process?- does it first uninstall all the maps, then reinstall? If so, it would help if TomTom explained this somewhere!! I could have had a heart attack............
Seriously though, I'd be grateful of others' experiences of this process. And assessment of what (if anything) might have gone wrong. I had no power cuts/dropouts of internet, I have a fast 18mbps service. At the end of the process, it tells me that the update is something like 3900+mbs, with only 4 (yes,only FOUR) mb spare space. Yet there is no SD card expansion port available on the satnav. Is this whole thing just a bag of c**p, and I've wasted my money?
I don't fancy the next map update in a few weeks if I have to go through all that again. It seems the whole process is taken over by TomTom, once the device is connected to my drive, without any recourse to protecting oneself by a backup first, or am I just worrying needlessly?
Any info gratefully received.