General Lost Locking wheel nut socket

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General Lost Locking wheel nut socket


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Partners Grande Punto went in for a service about three months ago. While handing over the car I told them were to find the wheel locking nut socket so they could remove wheels.
Today I went to remove front tyre due to a nail embedded into it and guess what the socket was missing, they forgot to put it back. Rang the dealer and complained but all I got was "sorry sir but you must have lost it":mad:
I know I should of checked but does anyone know if Fiat carry a set of masters so they can remove the locking nut or am I going to have to get them professionally removed.
most dealers have a set but not all, they may have put yours back in a different place though, have you check every where? ash tray, glove box, in or under spare wheel

I'll looked everywhere (n) can't find the bloody thing.
May have to call the AA out
had the same thing myself. all fiat dealers have a multifit locking key so they should be able to get the wheel nuts off for you. new set cost from £10 upwards and its probably cheaper than ordering a new wheel nut key from your dealer.....
We have a master set at work, we can also order in replacement keys as long as we have the 3 digit cut code from the wheel bolt box