Technical Lost drive.

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Technical Lost drive.


Jan 18, 2013
Pulled out of a T junction, which needed a bit of welly.

Clunk and loss of drive.

My bet is the new halfshaft has sheared. New clutch/pressure plate can't fail like that can it?

Had to get a taxi home, and will tow it back tomorrow and then analyse.
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Job done.

The half shaft wasn't pushed fully home (for the clip to engage) and had moved outwards. The last few millimetres (between the inner end and the clip) had twisted by half a spline, so ground the splines off, leaving the ring groove intact. Tons of spare material, no concerns about longevity. I studied Engineering at a University so I'm s'posed to be able to work these things out...).

Moral: if there are two people doing a job, one of them must take responsibility for everything. Hope that none of my lecturers are reading this.

Fingers, I've seen components that have slipped through manufacture without heat treatment, and thought that might have been the problem. Most memorably a camshaft on my Dad's new Volvo. Wore out in a few thousand Miles, I was about ten and remember my design engineer Dad taking it to the metallurgy lab at Rolls Royce to prove the fault to Volvo. I was impressed!