Technical Left indicator is flashing quicker than the right one.

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Technical Left indicator is flashing quicker than the right one.

Apr 5, 2023
As the tittle says, My lefft indicator has started flashing quicker than the right one, I'm thinking its the indicator relay/flasher thats the problem, but I have looked everywhere for a replacment but can't find any?.

Can anyone on this forum help with this, I'm no mechanic but given how much prices are now i'd rather do the work myself.

My car is the 2020 fiat panda city cross
2020 fiat panda city cross
That’ll be it :)
BTW, Most (all?) cars do this as a way of showing a failed indicator bulb.

I think it's the other way round. They blink quicker because the resistance of the remaining bulbs is lower. And that's how we know part of them is not working.

Then it's getting tricky with CAN. In my Ducato the mirror indicator is not working from time to time, no error on dash and no quicker blinking of the others... :D Magic...
I think it's the other way round. They blink quicker because the resistance of the remaining bulbs is lower. And that's how we know part of them is not working.

Then it's getting tricky with CAN. In my Ducato the mirror indicator is not working from time to time, no error on dash and no quicker blinking of the others... :D Magic...
The mirror lights (and side repeater on other cars) is only a 5 watt bulb or may even be an LED. The main bulbs are 21 watts each, so a total of 42w (or 47w with the repeater).
If the 5w bulb fails this still quite a current flowing in the circuit and the flash rate will seem to be the same (3.9 or 3.5 amps). If a main bulb fails, the current more or less halves (around 2amps) leading to the flash rate doubling. I don’t think the indicators are CanBus controlled, and that’s why there’s no warning message or error light with a failed indicator. (Same with other non CanBus circuits such as the reversing light).
The Ducato mirror indicator was available in 2 wattage bulbs: 5 or 16 W. I agree that it's probably the 5 W one as I can't see / hear the change the difference.

However when the rear indicator (classic 21W bulb) was not working, there was this message on the display. But no idea if it's checked with a more sophisticated way on CAN or simply with the incorrect voltage or current.

I have 2 spare mirrors at home so will be able to play with them while doing the manual / electric conversion.