Leeds Festival

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Leeds Festival

Apr 30, 2006
Middle o' no where
So whos going to try n get tickets?

My gf wants to go with all her uni mates (all students) and i said id maybe like to go, as i may enjoy it(never been one before).

But i saw the price of the tickets........ around £250 for a weekend ticket?

WTF is it with that price......... Last year it was less than 200? thought it was anwyays.....

For every 1000 people paying £250 they get £250,000. Thats some serious money and one big con alot of idiots are willing to pay for............

Me i dont think so......
So whos going to try n get tickets?

My gf wants to go with all her uni mates (all students) and i said id maybe like to go, as i may enjoy it(never been one before).

But i saw the price of the tickets........ around £250 for a weekend ticket?

WTF is it with that price......... Last year it was less than 200? thought it was anwyays.....

For every 1000 people paying £250 they get £250,000. Thats some serious money and one big con alot of idiots are willing to pay for............

Me i dont think so......

All the people they will have performing will charge stupidly big fees' security needs to be paid for, services need to be put in place bloody loads of stuff is involved so a large chunk will go on set up costs tbh.
All the people they will have performing will charge stupidly big fees' security needs to be paid for, services need to be put in place bloody loads of stuff is involved so a large chunk will go on set up costs tbh.
Codger junior tells me he bought a ticket tonight at 7pm. I haven't seen him so excited since he passed his driving test so I guess it must be good. Says it cost about £180 altogether. I hope it's good.
I'm going this year after my mate swore that I'd love it. Tickets were 175, but I had a right mare tryin to get them! Tickets came on sale at 7pm and I had my laptop n debit card ready to go by ten to...it took me over two hours to get them and that was only because my mate sent me a link that put me directly onto the tickets stage of the website!! 2 hours of just refresh refresh refresh! Happy I've go them though, should be a good experience! Tickets are on eBay for 300quid a pop already!