Technical Leaking gearbox?

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Technical Leaking gearbox?


Deceiver Of Fools
Feb 16, 2009
Well i think the gearbox is leaking, from what I can see heres a photo. it looks worse in real life than the photo. there was a fresh looking drip wating to drop aswell.

Undertray is covered in oil but thats also from the oil sump an dipstick.

How do I check how much is in the gearbox?

I gave it all a clean with some degreaser so i will notice anymore leaks
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What engine do you have?
On my 1.4 the oil should be level with the filler hole, On a level surface ofcourse.

The owners manual will tell you how much fluid the gearbox takes. I was going to just measure out the ammount drain and refill mine at some point.
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What engine do you have?
On my 1.4 the oil should be level with the filler hole, On a level surface ofcourse.

The owners manual will tell you how much fluid the gearbox takes. I was going to just measure out the ammount drain and refill mine at some point.

1.8. ive got an owners manual but no haynes. ive heard something about undoing a bolt an sticking your finger in an the oil should be there.

My drive is flat but we live on a hill kinda annoying checking the oil, either the dipstick is lying or there cars on a slope :p i blame the dipstick.