General just serviced

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General just serviced

Feb 10, 2019
I just collected my 2014 Panda Lounge 1.2 from a routine service. I have never trusted main dealer service and on this occasion has done nothing to change my mind. They have put Selenia Syntium 5W 30 oil in when I know it should be 5W 40. KPE. When I questioned this the girl on the desk said it's right, they go by the chassis number.

They also said it needed new spark plugs when I know I changed them myself only 2000 miles ago. Then to really - - ss me off they said I needed two new front tyres because the tread depth is less than 4mm !

I declined to let them do any more work. Paid for the service. And left disillusioned.

Tell me I am not going mad. :bang: Am I correct the oil should be 5W40 C3? That's what the handbook says.
Did you tell them in advance not to change the plugs / explain that they'd just been done? If not, I'd have thought it's a reasonable assumption for a service mechanic to make that they'd need changing, if they'd normally be changed at that mileage/service interval.

As for the tyres, it seems that main dealers (and they are not alone) increasingly take the view, with tyres, brakes etc, that if they "won't last" until the next scheduled service, you should have the work done now. I can just about see their point, but surely all they need to do is to point that out, rather than attempt to bounce customers into replacing consumables earlier than they need to?
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Did you tell them in advance not to change the plugs / explain that they'd just been done? If not, I'd have thought it's a reasonable assumption for a service mechanic to make that they'd need changing, if they'd normally be changed at that mileage/service interval.

As for the tyres, it seems that main dealers (and they are not alone) increasingly take the view, with tyres, brakes etc, that if they "won't last" until the next scheduled service, you should have the work done now. I can just about see their point, but surely all they need to do is to point that out, rather than attempt to bounce customers into replacing consumables earlier than they need to?[/QUOTE

I think you have a point about the spark plugs. However I think they should have advisories like in the MOT test. I just got a phone call which basically said I need two new tyres, and new spark plugs, including the service that will be £400+ please. :eek:
4mm is less than half worn, new tyres on mine had just 7mm of tread. While I change once they are 3.5 this is my preference and on a narrow tyre'd vehicle a bit OTT. I would not get tyres from the dealer unless they could match best prices. It is however better to be safe than face a big fine or rejected insurance claim. I have only had 1 major claim since I started driving. The loss adjuster came out and measured teh tyre tread depth before even looking at the damage......

As for the plugs its unlikely that plugs look any different at 2 months or two years as they are almost sealed into the engines these days so I have a little sympathy with them there. Its important to tell them not to change them if you did the job recently.

Having tried non genuine plugs in our Seat a few years ago, I can tell you there are plugs and there are plugs. Once my supposedly matched high quality replacements were thrown out and replaced with the VAG originals the car was returned to normal service.

Dealer service is pretty basic, but is good enough for their extended warranty so should keep the car going. Like most on here I like to fettle my car myself for this reason.

£400 however is a bloody joke.
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