General Just picked up our punto grande 1.2 diesel with a few niggles

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General Just picked up our punto grande 1.2 diesel with a few niggles


Apr 30, 2006
New to this section used to own a marea saloon but now we have grande punto 1.2 diesel, we've got a few issues with the rear doors opening with or without the remote then we managed to open one door but not the other not sure what we did :confused:
We had a similar issue when viewing but the seller was able to over come the problem but he wasn't sure what he did :confused:
Could it be the remote the programming????
Yeah just found this in the search sorry should of looked first but the doors won't open from the inside either
Just been out to pull on the rear most part of the handle and both doors opened Result
So we will test this function over the next few days to see if it just a flook or technique I guess time will tell
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Swapped the handles on my 1.3 GP because it was difficult to open the rear doors from outside. There was a knack to opening them but because my kids couldn't master it, I erred on the side of caution and replaced them. IIRC, you could press inwards on the body of the handle (bit the sits in the door) and lift the handle open at the same time. I photo'd the steps I took during the replacement exercise and posted them in the guides section.
Just an update on this.... I tried the pulling the handles to the rear most trick which worked for me and taught the wife and our kids which works at the moment so we'll play it by ear for the time being unless the problem gets worse then I will replace the handles with the modified ones :)
Thanks again to this forum