General juddering only when setting off/reversing

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General juddering only when setting off/reversing


New member
Apr 28, 2013

i have had my brava 2001 plate petrol 1.6 for over 6 months.

as i am setting off on first gear, it judders as if its about to stall and same when i am reversing. the rest of the gears are fine.

i took it to kwik fit who advise its engine mounts, one has worn off and the other 2 are just holding it in place and to replace the mounts would cost over 100 pound each. he did say that there is a possibility that it would be a clutch as this was replaced in the last 2 years.

i took it to a second opinion of a local garage, and he thinks its a tracking issue

i asked my trainee mechanic who is learning and he admits he doesnt know and its definately not the above 2.

i need someone who actually knows what they are doing, or if anyone had simular experience then it would be great to share your experience.
Is it every time you set off in first and every time you reverse that it happens..?

I had a similar issue with my bravo but it wasnt very often so i lived with it, but its my understanding that this is actually a well known and common fiat clutch problem (from early 2000's models?) but someone else with more knowledge will be able to say for sure.

Sorry i can't help any more..!
sounds like it's probably the clutch... springs get tired with age, get loose and can result in a judder. fit a good quality clutch like luk.
a juddering clutch and worn engine mounts can come together, so if someones said mounts need attention, they might need replacing also. good luck!
I would vote for worn clutch.

Bought my bravo 3 years ago with 70k on its clock. It had shocking judder from standing start. Dropped a new clutch in, a cheap one bought on line. Cost about £40 iirc. Old one was very worn when I took it out. Car now has 138k on the clock and maybe just starting to show signs of wear.