I've been informed this is a Fiat engine in this vehicle,.....

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I've been informed this is a Fiat engine in this vehicle,.....


New member
Dec 22, 2019
I've been informed this is a Fiat engine in this vehicle,...............

Peugeot Bipper van 1.3hdi 63 plate.
The problem i have is as follows,... Starts fine from cold. Once warmed up does not want to fire up and run.
It starts a-ok first thing, from cold, but if i run it and get the engine warm then turn off and leave for 5 - 10 min's, return and try to start it, it won't fire up Turns over fine and the starter motor is good.
I've recently had a brand new timing chain kit fitted, by a reputable garage and i 've also had a new cam sensor and 1 glow plug fitted. I had a injector leak off test done, that showed 3 poor injector's, and so i have had all 4 replaced with reconditioned injectors, I was hoping this would solve the problem but it has'nt.
If anyone could offer any advice it would be much appreciated. Joe

With work done.. they are probably right..as they ordered the parts.

Is it the 1248cc ?

Thats in lots of small vans.

Have they actually done proper diagnostics..?

I would be looking at temp sensor readings
Hi, would it be the temp sensor unit or the one in the fuel pump.