Styling It's just so dirty sometimes...

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Styling It's just so dirty sometimes...


aka whitebravo
May 5, 2009
the land of haggis

Does anyone know if there's any good front and back mudflaps for the Bravo?

It's just so dirty sometimes and because it's white, you know... needs washing a lot.

So if anyone can link me to a page or something that ships Bravo mudflaps to the UK then I'd be one happy chappy! :slayer:
You should be happy it's not black :)

Anyway, mine's white too, and it's really not such a pain for keeping clean. Well, not in the summer anyway :)

I wouldn't put rear mudflaps in any case, I like the look of my tyres. Mudflaps is just so "family"...I could live with some extra dirt.
Havnt washed my New Orleans Blue GPS for 3 weeks now... it just gets dirty to a point and then looks the same for ages! The Anthracite wheels are a huge bonus... never look dirty (nor particularly clean either) :eek:

White or Black is a PITA to keep clean but I agree with Lyubohar... mudflaps look so.... Family! :rolleyes:
I've had my silver baby for about 3 months and she has not had a wash yet. Still looks as clean as the day I brought her home.
Except for the graveyard on the front, that is.

Mind you, she gets frequent showers, thanks to the British summer!!
I want the skinny type of mudflaps that almost trail along the floor.


kinda like that idea.

Doesn't look "family" at all.
The Fiat rears look OK on the web site.

Personally I think all cars should have front and rear mud flaps as standard safety feature cause they reduce the amount of spray a lot so make for better visibility / safer driving in the wet.
I just bought the screws etc. from a hardware store. Also measured
them first, so they fit properly and cut them to a shape with big

For two it took about 40. min job (y)
When washing the car, use a lot of water, change it often ( In the
bucket ), rinse washing supplies also often. Less scratches and
your paintsurface last´s longer. Remember also to waxit by hand.

Here´s what I use and it´s simply good: ( For washing the car )

That lambswool mitt is simply great(y)
When I wash my car I am using a foam lance with Bilt-Hamber autofoam to snowfoam the car. I usually let this work for a few minutes before I highpreassure it off, then I wash the car by hand using the 2 bucket method( one for soap solution, one for rinsing the mitt) and a the Swissvax waschpudel, then I use two waffleweave microfiber drying towels to dy the car( one for bodywork and one for inside doors etc..). Every third wash or so I use the Meguires Ultimate Quick Detailer after washing for maintaining that just waxed look(y) I only use Meguires NXT, Meguires softwash or the Swissvax car bath in the bucket. When waxing I am using Swissvax Scuderia(made for italian cars) on the Fiat and Meguires NXT 2.0 tech wax on the Astra:p

And yes I know I am absolutely crazy!!!!:slayer: But imagine how nice a Maranello red Bravo just waxed with SV Scuderia would be(y)


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The methods sounds good ! The most expensive isn´t always the best,
but those marques you mentioned, are good ones.

Washing the car and waxing it, is almost art ( it is ! ) and discussions
are welcome. I try to wash my car once a week. I wax it three times/
year. Also vacuum the cabin and keep that in shape also. Of course
our two dogs are the guilty ones ... ;)

Swisswax Scuderia ... mmm ... have to think about that. Sounds like
quality product.
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The methods sounds good ! The most expensive isn´t always the best,
but those marques you mentioned, are good ones.

Washing the car and waxing it, is almost art ( it is ! ) and discussions
are welcome. I try to wash my car once a week. I wax it three times/
year. Also vacuum the cabin and keep that in shape also. Of course
our two dogs are the guilty ones ... ;)

Swisswax Scuderia ... mmm ... have to think about that. Sounds like
quality product.

The scuderia is absolutely great:slayer: I have never seen such a tight beading as I do these days after 2 coats of scuderia!!! The car hardly gets dirty anymore:p I apply a coat of wax once a month and polish twice a year(y) Spring and fall:). Washing at least once a week(y) In the summer probably more often, maybe 2-3 times a week( just because it is FUN!!!!!) As I said earlier: I am a bit crazy:)