Technical Isofix seats

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Technical Isofix seats


New member
Jun 19, 2009
My mum is getting a Panda 1.1 Eco Active and I need a car seat for it. I'm looking at a Britax Isofix seat as I have one in my own car. Checking on the Britax site the Isofix seat they recommend looks like a new version of the one I have which is the Duo Plus. The new version is the Safefix Plus which retails at £249 but the Duo Plus which I have is £149 but they don't show it on their site as being suitable for the Fiat Panda.

My question is does anyone have a Duo Plus Isofix seat in their Panda? And if so does it need a top tether?

The panda doesn't have ISO Fix (thats most probably why they dont list it.) unless you have opted for Split Fold rear seats, which is a extra cost item.

The only panda to have ISO Fix as standard is the 100hp.

Hope this helps
Thanks that helps loads, didn't realise they didn't have Isofix have standard.

I believe the Eleganza and those with the sliding seat option specified also had ISOFIX....

no nessecarily, model year changes, upgrades, spec adjustments, and while some bits get added, like colour coded bumpers, others like the isofix, may be dropped from parts of the range. i'm sure some people had cars later on where even the black vinyl on the b-pillar had been omitted!
i'm sure some people had cars later on where even the black vinyl on the b-pillar had been omitted!

My 2008 Dynamic lacks the black vinyl b-pillar trim and the "oh ****" handles above the doors, both front and rear.