Technical Is my car normal? Please help!

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Technical Is my car normal? Please help!


New member
Dec 18, 2022
Fiat 500 lounge (1.2, dualogic) 61 plate automatic transmission (based in the UK, if that's helpful).

Hey guys, I got my car second hand about half a year ago - it definitely has a fault which I know is an issue, but proving it is a bit difficult because it's hard to replicate (has kicked itself into neutral whilst driving along, which after research seems somewhat common). There are some things I wanted check whether it was normal for this make and model of car, or if there is also a problem! I have a warranty on the car, so I can take it for repairs/investigating if I know these aren't actually normal. So:

When swithed off, manufactuer reccomends to leave in gear, which i do (if i leave the stick in neutral it beeps at me when i turn the car off). When turned back on the car is back in neutral (gear stick still in gear) and beeps at me until i move the gear stick back to neutral then back to in gear. This happens whether the the car has been off for 5 seconds or overnight.

Won't heat up unless it has been driving for 10 minutes. Even if it has already been on for 15 minutes whilst I'm trying to defrost/demist the windows.

Have to do hill/handbrake starts on the tiniest of inclines, like if I have to stop half over a speed bump I will have to handbrake start to make it over otherwise its rolling backwards.

Doesn't move forward when taking foot off the brake, stays in the same spot unless on an incline/decline. Its the only (automatic) car I've driven that doesn't start moving when you take the foot off the brake even a tiny bit.

It can be jittery when going at slow speeds, like when creeping forward in traffic.

Oh, it will also slightly struggle if it's on the cusp on changing gears and I slow down, then speed back up a little bit. The RPM will be quite high and it won't drop the gear straight away.

Thanks in advance!
Hi and welcome. All sounds quite normal except the dropping into N when it shouldn't is a sign that the hydraulic actuator which controls the clutch and gearchanges will need refurbishing soon (worst case) or a sensor is starting to get tired (best case). Do you get error messages on the screen? If so these can be read by diagnostic software.

The not moving forward (creeping) is normal - the dualogic gearbox doesn't do this unlike other auto boxes.

Actuator refurbishment is best left in the hands of independent specialists (don't go to a Fiat main dealer as all they will want to do is replace it for mega money). An independent refurb can be had for about GBP 750-800 including removing and refitting. I have done this for people before (and am not a million miles away in West Kent), in conjunction with a dualogic repair specialist called CD Motors in Staffordshire (who also can be approached direct). Drop me a personal message if you'd like to talk further. Though the car would be off the road for around a fortnight.

It may be liveable with for a period but be aware that eventually it may go into N permanently and not want to play at all....

May not be great news but hope at least helpful.....!

Hi and welcome. All sounds quite normal except the dropping into N when it shouldn't is a sign that the hydraulic actuator which controls the clutch and gearchanges will need refurbishing soon (worst case) or a sensor is starting to get tired (best case). Do you get error messages on the screen? If so these can be read by diagnostic software.

The not moving forward (creeping) is normal - the dualogic gearbox doesn't do this unlike other auto boxes.

Actuator refurbishment is best left in the hands of independent specialists (don't go to a Fiat main dealer as all they will want to do is replace it for mega money). An independent refurb can be had for about GBP 750-800 including removing and refitting. I have done this for people before (and am not a million miles away in West Kent), in conjunction with a dualogic repair specialist called CD Motors in Staffordshire (who also can be approached direct). Drop me a personal message if you'd like to talk further. Though the car would be off the road for around a fortnight.

It may be liveable with for a period but be aware that eventually it may go into N permanently and not want to play at all....

May not be great news but hope at least helpful.....!

This is so helpful. Thank you so much.

I don't get any error messages, no. Just the dashboard beeping that the car is in neutral despite the gear stick being in gear. Is this happening even when turning the car on and off an indication of the problem? It does this reliably so I can show the place I got it from there is an issue.

Is this not something I am likely able to get help with from the garage I got it from? (Garage in Crayford, A1 carriages) As I paid quite a bit for the extended warranty!

I don't mind it being off the road for a couple of weeks as I can borrow my partners car in the interim, I just don't want to be driving along and have it drop into neutral on me. The couple of times this has happened has been quite scary!

Have you checked the level in the radiator? It's critical it's correct low coolant will cause poor heater performance look in the book if you have one but don't brim the system use a dip stick or thin tube to help check the level in the expansion tank?
Does the car have "climate control "?

Have you checked the level in the radiator? It's critical it's correct low coolant will cause poor heater performance look in the book if you have one but don't brim the system use a dip stick or thin tube to help check the level in the expansion tank?
Does the car have "climate control "?
Thanks! I did top up the water tank a couple months ago with water and antifreeze, but I can definitely double check the levels (if this is even the same thing, I am very new to driving!)

I don't believe it has climate control, no.
The radiator has a tube down its side with Max And Min markings

Shine a torch at it.. you should clearly see the level :)

The level SHOULD always hold
( moves up with heat..
drops back down with cold )

For heating.. do you press buttons.. or twist knobs ?
It's quite difficult to see the level even with a torch!

I turn the dial up to 4, have the heat on the highest setting with the aircon on, and have the air circulating. I point it towards the window initially to help demist.